Page 36 of Talon
I took a long pull on my smoke. “So? What won’t be easy?”
“You’ll know when the time is right.”
“Do you always have to be so fucking cryptic?” I asked, flicking ash to the ground.
“You have no idea, brother.” He cleared his throat. “It won’t be easy, but you can do it.”
More crazy shit to decipher?
“I’ll remember that.”
He tilted his head to the side as he listened for something I couldn’t hear.
“Are you riding with me?”
He stared out into the desert. “No. I’ve got somewhere else to be. Right now.”
I opened my mouth to reply when I saw him step into the shadows and disappear. Giant ebony wings flapped above my head, and I knew it was Carrion. A soft kraa followed.
Well, fuck. I guess it was time to head out. If I didn’t soon, Crow would kick my ass. I turned to The Crossroads, already missing Gail. She became everything to me, and I had to find a way for Crow to see that.
I knew he’d witness our kiss. That was the plan. The sooner he understood my feelings about his sister, the easier this shit would be to hammer out. I wasn’t walking away from her.
He needed to learn that.
I flicked the butt of my smoke to the ground, watching as the cinders sprayed across the asphalt.
It felt like a part of me stayed behind when I rode out of the gate and merged onto Hwy 95. It would take three and a half hours to reach home, and The Roost and I knew I would spend all of them thinking of Gail.
About halfway through the trip, I realized I needed gas. We usually filled up in Tonopah before we left when the club stopped by The Crossroads, but I didn’t think about it. Too distracted.
I took the next exit and found a gas station, filling the tank on my Harley while I pulled out my phone and texted Gail. I didn’t expect her to answer.
She sent a heart emoji and lips.Cute.
The nozzle clicked, and I pulled it from my tank, placing it back in the cradle. I spun the cap, threw a leg over my ride, and returned to the highway. Headlights appeared behind me, but I didn’t think anything of it. Pulling back on the throttle, I increased my speed.
The vehicle approached, matching me.
I ignored the glare in my mirrors and sped up again. The truck did the same.
Well, fuck.
The engine revved behind me. . .and then bumped my back tire. I managed not to swerve hard, but that shit wasn’t an accident. Someone wanted to force me off the road.
This time, I was ready when the truck revved again. I swerved hard left, picking up speed as I zipped down the highway and ditched the truck in my dust.
Asshole.What the fuck was that about?
It never occurred to me that whoever drove that truck didn’t work alone.
I realized too late that another vehicle was headed my way, facing me in my own fucking lane. I veered left. He followed. I veered right. He copied my movement.
The previous truck caught up just as the one in front blinded me with his lights. I only had one choice. One chance to get out of this alive.
If I moved too slowly, I would end up the squished condiment in a pickup truck sandwich.