Page 40 of Talon
“I don’t know,” he admitted, forming a fist before slamming it into the table. “It doesn’t matter. I’ll find him, and I’ll end him, Gail. I swear our father will have justice.”
I nodded, slumping back in my chair.
Crow stood. “I’m getting a few beers. Want anything?”
“Yeah. Something diet.”
“You got it.”
When he returned, he placed a couple of diet sodas and a bottle of water in front of me—six beers for him.
“So,” he began. “How often did Uncle Derek visit you?”
“Most of my life. I don’t remember a time when he wasn’t around. I always saw him for my birthday and holidays. Even if he didn’t stay long, he made sure that he showed up.”
“That sounds about right.”
“He made everything better, Austin.” I wondered how much to reveal about my childhood. It wasn’t terrible, but it had some rough years.
“Tell me. Whatever it is, I want to know.”
“My stepdad, Ross. He was an asshole.”
Crow narrowed his eyes. “What did he do to you?”
“Physically? Nothing.”
Crow’s lip curled into a snarl. “What. Did. He. Do.”
“He insulted me. Made fun of me. Ross wasn’t happy unless he was picking on me or adding extra chores for me to do. I used to think he would make messes just so that he could tell me to clean them up.”
“Motherfucker. Is he still around?”
“I think a man that mean will survive a long time.”
“Where is he?”
“It doesn’t matter. I don’t have anything to do with him or my mother. She let him get away with all that mental abuse.”
He didn’t like that answer but didn’t push it.
“My mother left when I was a kid. Just took off one day and decided I wasn’t enough reason to stay.”
Wow. “I’m sorry, Austin.”
He shrugged. “I don’t have a lot of memories with her. They’re mostly about my pops, the club, and all the brothers who taught me shit I shouldn’t know too early in life.”
I had to giggle at that.
“What’s going on with my house and my car?”
“I have a prospect watching the place. He texted me a couple of hours ago. No one has been there since you left.”
It dawned on me that I was probably fired. I called off for a few days but never followed up. Things got crazy fast. And then Talon made me forget all my worries.