Page 51 of Talon
They moved forward as if they were about to start mobbing, and I tripped, trying to move away, falling on my ass. Talonsbegan latching onto my clothes and digging into my skin. I didn’t know what they wanted.
And then. . .they tried to lift me.
Carrion’s words pushed to the forefront of my mind. I couldn’t remember when we spoke. Last week? Last month?
It won’t be easy, but you can do it.
Did he mean. . .fly. . .with the crows?
I suddenly understood what he had tried to convey. It wouldn’t be easy because I was injured, and I had to trust the crows, being vulnerable, which wasn’t something an enforcer enjoyed. Carrion couldn’t have been more specific. It wouldn’t have made sense, and I would have challenged it, dismissing the possibility.
But I didn’t feel that way now. I needed help. The crows were offering, and I couldn’t refuse.
I turned to my crow, and he bobbed his head. “Sorry, bud. Let’s go.”
Chittering broke out among the crows before they began latching onto me. Dozens. So many black birds that I was covered and lost within their protective huddle.
And then we began to lift. . .higher. . .higher. . .until I no longer had to bear the weight of my broken bones.
This shouldn’t be possible. How could they carry such heavy weight? I didn’t understand, but I didn’t have to for it to work.
There were things about my bond with the crow that defied logic. This was another to add to the list. And really, I didn’t fucking care. Not if they took me to The Roost and back to Gail.
I couldn’t say how long we remained in the sky, flying under cover of night and avoiding people or the highway. Everything became a blur. I’d never felt so weightless. And the pressure on my lungs didn’t feel as heavy now.
When my back rested on the ground, I knew I was home. Loud caws and flapping wings brought my brothers running outside. I searched the shocked faces of everyone who filed outside but didn’t see the one I longed for.
Gail. Come.
There was an agonized cry I recognized as her voice, and then she knelt at my side, weeping as her fingers caressed my face. Soft, smooth lips brushed mine.
“Talon. Can you hear me?”
I wanted to answer. I tried.
My hand lifted, resting over her heart, but that’s all I could do. My body went limp, and my brain grew fuzzy. Black rolled in from the sides of my vision.
I left her, but I knew when Falcon found and healed me, I would see her by my side.
I WOKE DISORIENTED, wondering how much time had passed since the crows brought me home.
“Talon,” Gail whispered. “Can you hear me?”
“Yes,” I croaked, slowly opening my eyes. I saw Gail’s face first and reached for her, needing that connection as much as I needed the air in my lungs to breathe. “I’m okay,” I assured her, sensing her worry. “I’m here, beautiful.”
She sighed. “I missed you.” Her fingers curled around my hand. “I’m so glad you’re back.”
“Not going anywhere again, baby. Crow will have to accept we’re together. I’m not walking away from you.”
“Good. He needed to hear that from your lips.”
“For fuck’s sake,” Crow growled. “This is nauseating.” He scowled. “And annoying.”
Gail peeked at him over her shoulder. “You promised.”
Something passed between them, and Crow’s features softened. “I remember, little nightingale.”