Page 42 of Steeled
“Hmm. I’ll work on that, too.” He kissed her once more, and the smile he got when he pulled away made the wait he’d endured all day to return to exactly where he was worth it.
“I’m ready!” proclaimed Evelyn as she raced back into the room.
Nora-Jean took one look at her daughter and shook her head. “Mini-me, jacket.”
“Oh, yeah,” she said on a laugh. “Be right back!”
Humming a soft laugh of her own, Nora extracted herself from Lawson’s hold and said, “I better get shoes and a jacket myself. That little ball of energy is ready to go.”
A few minutes later, when everyone was fully dressed and Evelyn’s booster seat had been transferred from Nora’s car into the backseat of Lawson’s truck, they were on their way.
At dinner, Lawson got a glimpse of how chatty Evelyn could be when she wanted. She told him all about her day spent with her mother at the salon. She spoke of Christmas and the presents she hoped were under the tree. Then when dinner arrived, he learned how much she liked pizza, how she disliked mushrooms, and a few of her other dietary preferences.
It was well past dark when they left the restaurant, and the stage was set for their next adventure. With Lawson at the helm, they drove around for a couple hours, exploring every neighborhood in Shelbyville and beyond. They were more than thirty minutes from home when Nora-Jean suggested it was getting late and they should head back. Halfway there, Evelyn was out like a light.
“Thank you for tonight,” murmured Nora.
“You don’t have to thank me,” he replied, reaching over with one of his hands to take hold of hers.
“I do. You gave my little girl an experience she’s never had before. She’ll talk about tonight for the next week, I’m sure.”
He gave her hand a squeeze, but she hadn’t changed his mind. He didn’t need herthanks. As far as he was concerned, their night together had been one of many more to come.
“Speakin’ of experiences—you two comin’ with me to Sunday dinner tomorrow?”
“Oh,” she breathed in obvious surprise. “Um…”
“Nora-Jean, there’s been a hole at Judge’s table for the last six years.”
“Have you even told them yet?”
“I think they’ll be able to put it together when we walk through those church doors.”
“Evie’s never been to a Catholic mass.”
“Neither had you the first time I took you. I’ll show her what to do.”
Nora-Jean squeezed his fingers before releasing them. “Lawson, we’ve got plans already. Aunt Darlene is expectin’ us.”
He could tell without her having to say it that she thought his invitation had come too soon. He knew how much she loved Sundays with the Steeles. It was a family tradition the likes of which she’d never had anywhere else. From the first time she was invited to the table to the last, she had always considered it a big deal. Hearing her turn him down to his invitation now made him realize she didn’t yet fully trust the stability of their relationship.
He’d have to fix that.
And he’d have to be patient.
“Next Sunday, then,” he pressed.
“Next Sunday—next Sunday is Christmas.”
“I’m aware.” She fell silent, and he gave her thigh a gentle squeeze. “What does Christmas usually look like for you two?”
“Um…we get up early and open presents. I make us breakfast and, uh, we watch movies until it’s time to go see Uncle Wayde and Aunt Darlene.”
“Al’right. Well, how ‘bout this year you get up early and open presents before you come to church with me. We’ll go to Sunday dinner; and when we’re done, we can spend the evenin’ with your aunt and uncle. We can save the Christmas movies for the end of the day.”
He cut her off before she could protest, “The only people she doesn’t know at Judge’s table are Judge and mom. And you know them—they don’t know about us now, but they will after tomorrow, and if I show up without you two weeks in a row—”