Page 44 of Her Eternal Mate
Chapter 20
After ten hours of scouring the area and rounding up all the feral werewolves, I finally came home with the rest of the pack members in the dead of night.
“That’s strange,” Vince said as he took his phone out of his pocket. “We were so caught up in defeating and killing those werewolves I didn’t even get a chance to see that Alexis has called me like a bunch of times.”
“She called you and not me?” I asked. Every bone and muscle in my body ached from the ten hours of constant exertion I’d been through. Tracking down all those feral werewolves and then fighting them until they died was not an easy task, even with all the reinforcements that I’d taken with me. I tried to fish my phone out of my pocket but realized that I’d left it at home.
I immediately raced to the house, dreading the worst. I had some idea that Alexis had been holding some information back, but I had no idea what it was. When I found that Alexis had left the house in the middle of the night, I immediately tried to find my phone. It was there in the bedroom, put on silent. I’d done that earlier today when Rogelio had arrived.
Sixteen missed calls and a voice message?
I played the voice message, hoping to hear some rationality coming from her. Maybe she’d gone out of town for the night to unwind or something like that. But when I heard what she had said, my blood boiled with rage, and my mind went numb with worry.
She had decided to go and confront Blair all by herself. This meant that she knew where he was hiding and had decided to keep that from me.
As my phone fell from my grip, I looked at my reflection in the bedroom mirror. It showed a gaunt man looking harrowingly back at the mirror. It was not the calm and contained Will I’d become in recent months. I looked every bit the werewolf who had just escaped from Edward’s manor—a haunted man.
It had taken me this long to recognize and register that I had been losing my grip on my anger. Perhaps that’s why she had kept this critical information from me. Regardless, if she had gone to face Blair all by herself, it only meant one thing.
Alexis’s life was in danger.
I immediately raced out of the house and came across Vincent, standing in the commune’s square, talking with the rest of the men as some drank beer and others smoked their cigarettes.
“Vince. Listen to me,” I said, holding him by the shoulders. “Alexis is in danger. I am going to save her. I need you to look after the commune for me while I’m gone. Can you do that?”
“Are you sure you don’t want us to come with you?” Vince asked, his face reciprocating the same worry that was on mine. “If she’s in danger, we all owe it to her to help her.”
“As many werewolves as we’ve killed, there might be more lurking around. Tonight, I need you to be the leader of the pack in my stead. And as for the rest of the pack, they should stay within the commune and defend it from any werewolf that tries to attack. Got it?”
“Got it. And good luck with rescuing Alexis,” Vince said.
“She’s a brave wolf. She doesn’t need any rescuing,” I said. It was more of a way to reassure myself than to reassure Vince.
I got in my Jeep and dialed Maliha’s number. This whole operation stank of her. She must have somehow found Blair’s location and shared it with Alexis.
“Will boy, it’s been such a long time since we’ve talked!” Maliha, ever so enthusiastic, said cheerfully.
“Did you ever tell Alexis Blair’s location?” I asked, trying to hold back the rage in my voice.
“Ummm…yes. But I thought she shared that intel with you. I mean, you guys share everything, don’t you?” Maliha asked.
“Not this. She did not tell me this. And I’m afraid she’s about to do something very rash. You have to tell me where she’s going,” I said.
“She’s in danger?”
“Fine. Fine. Don’t scream at me. I’ll send you a message of the coordinates that I sent her,” Maliha said, hanging up the phone.
I waited a minute for her to send the coordinates, and then when I got them, I dialed them in my Jeep’s GPS. The location that the GPS showed was somewhere in the south of Fiddler’s Green. A half-hour long drive ought to take me there, or so my GPS said.
Turning on the engine, I looked back at the commune one last time, hoping I’d made the right decision in handing things over to Vince. After all, he was just as tired as I was, having fought all those feral werewolves and soldiers.
“One problem at a time, Will!” I said to myself, then drove out of the commune at breakneck speed. Alexis should not have done this. Even by her standards, this was extremely reckless. She should have waited for me. It wasn’t as if I’d ditched her. She had not given me any cause to be angry at her in such a long time that now when there was a legit cause, I did not know how to process the rage I was feeling. How could she be so reckless?