Page 62 of Her Eternal Mate
“The rest of you, follow me. This is the last march of the Grimm wolves. March to make your ancestors proud. March for war. March for victory!”
Together, all of the pack members shifted into their wolf forms and followed me and Alexis down the slope of the hill, heading towards the battlefield where Blair and all his men stood waiting.
I hoped that Maliha and Vincent would fit the device and make it work just in time. Even though I had taken all the pack with me to war, I knew that all of us combined could not take out all those soldiers. There were simply too many of them.
After fifteen minutes, we stopped our stampede and came to a halt in the field south of Fiddler’s Green. It was a big field that was rendered a little too small by the sheer size of Blair’s army.
Blair stood at the center of the field, smoking a cigar, looking smug and victorious.
“You know, if you cocksuckers hadn’t blown up my tower, I wouldn’t have even budged tonight,” Blair said. “But push comes to fucking shove, and here I am. Congratulations. I may be the last man standing on the team that originally ruled this town, but I am goddamn certain that I will kill you all and reclaim this place in the name of my father and my friends, Maurice and Ralph!”
I could not let this asshole yap away. I shifted into my human form, taking giant strides toward the center of the field to meet Blair.
“Your father was a perverted old man. Your friends were the corrupt cunts who festered at the bottom of their species’ pyramid. Look at my face when I talk to you and know that I was the one who killed all three. Just like I will kill you tonight,” I said, my eyes red with rage, molten magma coursing through my veins, all my pent-up rage unlocked in the wake of this madness.
Chapter 29
“Big words from a bruised old wolf!” Blair cackled, clapping his hands sarcastically. Then he waved his arms around and pointed at the army standing behind him. “See these fiends behind me? They will rip you and your precious broodmare to shreds!”
“Not if we shred them first,” I said, coming to the center of the field and standing by Will’s side.
“You’re so precious, aren’t you? You’ve come a long way from being a mewling quim,” Blair sneered, looking at me with hate-filled eyes. “I will personally see to it that I desecrate your corpse when I’m done with you.”
“Keep her name out of your fucking mouth,” Will said, grabbing Blair’s collar and pushing him back. In a split second, thousands of guns cocked and aimed at Will.
“Those soldiers are waiting for my orders. And you may have guessed, I control them with my mind. How fucking amazing is that? Touch me again, and your entire pack goes extinct this very second.”
I placed my hand on Will’s shoulder and pulled him back. War was upon us, but it did not have to escalate at this very moment. We had to wait until Maliha and Vincent had done their bit.
“That’s right. Control your man,” Blair scoffed, adjusting his collar.
“I am not controlling him. He could kill you in a heartbeat, and I wouldn’t even stop him,” I scoffed back. In my head, I was doing basic arithmetic. There were around two hundred and fifty of us, excluding those who had gone to set a perimeter around the town. Blair, on the other hand, had an army of thousands. If each werewolf killed fifty soldiers, we might stand a chance. But we were not equipped with weapons. Blair’s soldiers were.
“So…are you sure you do not want to negotiate?” Blair casually asked, taking a step back. “I can be very reasonable, you know. This can all end if you just hand me your Alpha. I will have my revenge, and then I and my men will leave forever. There doesn’t have to be a bloodbath.”
“You’re a liar. You come here with this army. You already have a bloodbath on your mind. I do not trust a word out of your mouth,” I said. “And you can forget it if you think that any of us would simply turn Will over. Clearly, you do not know anything about the loyalty of wolves!”
“What loyalty? You are just a bunch of dogs,” Blair said. “And I am the canine control department.”
“That was genuinely lame, Blair. You can do better,” Will said, chuckling dryly.
“Yeah, that was a terrible analogy,” I said, laughing at his face.
Blair’s face turned red, his nostrils flared, and his eyes narrowed as he clenched his fist. He growled, “You want better? I’ll give you better. This fucking psychopath murdered my father, yet he’s been allowed to roam free without any penance or punishment. You think of me as the villain, but ask me this, who is the villain here? Me or him? He killed my father, and ever since then, Wilhelm Grimm has left behind a trail of dead bodies, including his brother! And you think of him as some hero? He’s a bastard. He thinks he is above justice. If there was justice in the world, where is justice for my father?”
“Do not speak to me of your father! If there was justice in this world, where was the justice for what your father kept doing to me for more than seventy years? No creature alive can bear such pain for so long as he inflicted on me with such sadism. What about the trail of dead bodies left in your wake? What about all the soldiers you mutated, all those lives wasted?”
“You got your justice when you killed my father. I do not come here for justice, Wilhelm Grimm,” Blair spouted. “I come here for revenge.”
“And I come here to defend my land, my people, and this city! For long, this city has lived under the shadow of unspeakable horrors. Tonight, it all ends. Tomorrow, a free sun shall shine upon Fiddler’s Green. You best believe it!” Will shouted, causing the werewolves to howl in affirmation.
“And how are you going to see that sunshine, Will? You haven’t even recovered properly from your old injuries. What about all the new injuries that I will inflict upon you? Oh, yes, I know about your weakness. I crafted that weakness in my laboratory. I made the serum that would make you vulnerable against my men. And that’s not all I made,” Blair said, laughing maniacally as his hand reached into his pocket.
He took out a syringe containing a neon-green liquid.
“What the fuck is that?” I whispered to Will.