Page 2 of Bound By the Basilisk
“Someone should tell that arrogant asshole to shut his big mouth,” he tells me. His voice is smooth and deep. It slides over my spine like a caress.
“It won’t be me. Unfortunately, that asshole is my best client.”
He snorts. “It won’t be me, either, tonight. He’s about to lose everything to my dealer, betting big trying to impress you. I should be paying you to bring him here.”
My eyes widen.Hisdealer? That must make him Erserro Ssalaar, the rich investor who recently opened Star Casino.
Erserro Ssalaar the deadly basilisk.
“Tamsin! Get that big fat ass back over here and keep me company.” Chaldro actually snaps his fingers in the air as if I’m a dog.
There’s a hiss from beside me. “You don’t have to let him speak to you like that.”
“Relax,” I say and lay my hand on his arm for a moment. “Fat ass. Thick skin. And I plan on getting paid tonight.” I give him a last look, straining uselessly to see behind the black glasses and get a sense of the guy behind them. Is he just being a gentleman, or is there something more to his comments? I’d love to stay and find out, but Chaldro won’t like me neglecting him.
I hurry back and take my uncomfortable seat in Chaldro’s lap again. “Did you miss me, baby? Have you won everything yet?”
“Not yet.” He scowls. “But I will. You watch.”
I do watch. He loses the next three rounds, putting down more and more chips while his pile grows smaller.
The troll beside him lets out a loud booming laugh when he scoops up a big pile of winnings. “That’s me done. I’m smart enough to know when to stop pushing my luck. Bet you wish you could say the same, huh?”
Chaldro huffs. “I’ll win it back again.”
The troll stands to leave, then pauses halfway out of his seat. Beneath me, Chaldro goes very still. I turn my head, wondering what on earth could make these two huge monsters act like a rabbit in the headlights, though I think I already know.
Erserro is standing behind me. When I turn, I catch him looking at me. At least I think he’s looking at me. It’s impossible to be sure with the glasses on. My whole body prickles with awareness. The moment slows to a standstill. I forget all about Chaldro who still has his arm around me. I forget the table and the gambling and the job. Everything but my intense fascination with the curve of his lips and the way his broad shoulders fill out his flashy silk shirt.
“Are you having a good time tonight?” He speaks as if there’s no one else in the room. Low and intimate as if he’s leaning across the table of a fancy restaurant or holding me close while we’re out dancing rather than in the middle of a busy casino.
Inside, I’m fuming. He knows the answer, since he caught me in my unguarded moment. Why is he trying to sabotage me?
I paste a smile I do not feel over my face. “Yes. Thank you. What a fabulous casino. You’ve sure livened up the night life here in Heartstone.”
He inclines his head. “And your...friend?”
It’s not lost on me the way he pauses and seems to spit the word as he refers to Chaldro.
Chaldro seems to gather himself and coughs. “Do you know him, Tamsin?”
I know what he’s asking. He’s asking if Erserro is another client of mine. It’s a reasonable question, since he’s exactly the sort of client I’d be tempted to go for. Rich, high profile. A monster. It annoys me. It’s none of Chaldro’s business who else I see. “Mr. Ssalaar is the owner of the casino, Chaldro,” I explain, as if I’m speaking with a child. Sometimes I feel as if I am. A giant dragon man-child. “He introduced himself to me just before at the bar.”
Chaldro lets out a little sigh. “Ah. Well, nice to meet you, Mr. Ssalaar.” He stands, taking me with him in the way only a monster can. He sets me on my feet. “Tamsin and I werejust about to head upstairs. It’s a wonderful establishment. Fast becoming one of my favorites.” He takes me by the waist and steers me toward the escalators.
Erserro’s quiet tone stops us both. “A word, Miss Tamsin, if I may.” It’s not a question. He fully expects to be obeyed.
I bristle. “I’m so sorry.” I keep my voice soft. Friendly. “I’m a little busy tonight. Perhaps another time.”
“I could make it so you’re no longer busy.”
I turn fully and gape at him. He’s really standing here in front of my client openly saying he’ll get rid of him? I have to hold in a laugh at the audacity.
Chaldro finally clues on to what Erserro is implying. “How dare—”
“Let’s go.” I tug on his arm. “I can’t wait to see the suite. All the rooms here are so lovely. I wonder if this one has a spa like the penthouse.”
I make sure to keep my tone as sultry as possible. I spent a very long time giving Chaldro a handjob in the spa of the penthouse last time we stayed here. I’m sure he hasn’t forgotten.