Page 6 of Bound By the Basilisk
“What booking? There is no booking! He hasn’t even been vetted yet.” Maurice starts to say something else, but I cut him off.
“I’m going to take it. I appreciate if you can’t offer me security on this job the way you usually would.”
Maurice sighs. “Keep your app set to track your location and your phone on you. Send a blank text at any time if you feel worried. For any reason. OK?”
Erserro is watching me, unhurriedly as if he’s got all the time in the world. Perhaps he does.
“Thanks, Maurice. You’re the best.”
He sighs again. “I really, really hope you’re OK. If he even looks like he’s reaching for his glasses, just shut your eyes.Whatever you do, don’t look straight at him. Not without the glasses.”
I agree and hang up. I probably should be more worried. Then again, if a monster this powerful wanted to harm me, wouldn’t he have done it by now?
Erserro smiles. “Did he warn you not to look at me?”
I nod.
“That’s good advice. Did he warn you about anything else?”
I shake my head.
“Well I guess I have the good fortune to be able to surprise you in that case. Let me buy you a drink and we will discuss practicalities. Is there somewhere decent around here?”
I look down at myself. I’m in jeans and a sweater. The heeled boots I kicked off by the door yesterday are the only concession to fashion in my outfit since I only thought I was walking a few blocks to the store. “Maybe I should get changed.”
“Never. You look perfect. But I will wait if that’s what you prefer.”
“There’s a place just by here, but it’s not fancy...”
He takes my arm. “It doesn’t matter. We won’t be there long. I fully intend to take you home as soon as I’ve convinced you I’m not going to do anything to you that you won’t allow.”
I laugh. I’m not sure me allowing or disallowing anything would make much difference with this guy. Why don’t I hate that more? “One thing at a time.”
I lead him around the corner to the little bar. I wouldn’t normally take a client here. It’s my local. And the owners tend to be a little weird about monsters. But since Erserro blends in so well, we sit ourselves at a table in the tiny courtyard and he orders the most expensive bottle of wine on their list without batting an eye. Well I guess he might have, since I can’t see them.
I smile as I sip and appreciate the tangy, light flavors and rich undertone. “So what exactly did you have in mind?”
He leans back in his chair. “I want someone who’s not afraid of me. Who isn’t scared to speak up. Who knows her worth.”
It surprises me. These aren’t the things I thought he would say. I’m not really sure they’re things that apply to me, but I’m hardly going to correct him. “Go on.”
“I don’t need sex all the time, but when I’m in the mood, I want a lover who can be available for me whenever I want, for as long as I want. And I want one experienced enough to handle my requirements.”
I lift a brow. “Requirements? What? Messy blowjobs? Golden showers? Something else?”
He snorts. “Nothing so mundane. There’s the glasses, of course. Once they come off, you can’t look at me, so you’d have to be blindfolded. I like restraints. Rope or simply holding you down. You’ll see what I mean when I shift. And I’ll want to use both my cocks.”
“Both!?” I blink at him.
“Basilisks have two cocks, flower, and I intend to give you both. For as long as I want. Can you keep up?”
I swallow. I’m not going to lie, I might have a thing for double penetration. “Oh, I’ll do my best,” I tell him sweetly. “But I might need to charge you double.”
He laughs again, a rich, genuine laughter that makes me smile. Instead of chiding me for my sass, he just grins. “I already told you. Name your price. I will pay whatever you want.”
I finish my drink and he pours me another. I should decline, but I don’t. Instead I twist a hand through my long, red hair and consider him. This whole thing feels far too good to be true. I’m sure I’m in for a nasty surprise somewhere. But I think I’ll just enjoy the ride while it lasts. “So, you mentioned taking me home. When were you hoping I’d be free?”