Page 12 of Ruthless Prince
My mother gives me a strange look as if she’s uncertain of my motives. Frankly, I’m not sure I can handle having his bracelet on me. Another reminder of him too close to my pulse, something I can see easily throughout the day. “Okay. Why don’t you come down when you’re ready? Most of the house is still in bed.”
“Sounds good. I’m sleepy. It was a long day, and I want to rest a little longer.”
“It sure was, my sweet little Natalya. Remember—if you ever need to talk to me, I’m always right here.” I nod, and she bends down, kissing my temple before standing and walking out of my room.
Lying back down, I set the box on the nightstand and close my eyes. The best thing for me to do is forget Ilya even exists. I haven’t the faintest idea how I’ll do that, but I have to try. Unfortunately, my dreams don’t allow that to happen.
A month without Ilya has been torture. How am I supposed to go eleven more months without seeing him? Will he be here when the time comes? Every day I pace the house, wondering if my father will mention Ilya in passing.
Most days I don’t go out. It’s summer break and I’m going into my senior year of high school; I should hang out with my friends, but after my birthday party, I’ve been wary of all of them. I can avoid the girls until then. After the party, Idon’t know who to trust. Were any of the other girls involved in drugging me?
Did Ilya know more, or did he just see Jordan drug my drink? He couldn’t. My insufferably handsome devil of a godbrother didn’t arrive until after I had the drinks. How did he know?
It’s been a month since my party when I get a call from an unknown number. I don’t answer it, and they don’t leave a voicemail, but then a minute later I get a text message, and it’s from Jordan.
Hey, girl, it’s Jordan. I got a new number. Sorry, your godbrother is a jerk.
I wonder what he said to Jordan that spooked her enough to keep her distance and change her number.
Yeah, he has that tendency. Where have you been? I haven’t heard from you in forever.
Lost my phone. Had to get a replacement. Got your number from the cloud. Took me forever to get my password again.
I don’t believe a word she’s saying. She knows where I live and could have stopped by at any time. Something about the entire thing feels off, so I don’t reply again. Instead, I tuck my phone in my pocket and head downstairs to meet my parents for breakfast. My siblings are sitting at the table, but my parents aren’t there.
“Where’s Mom and Dad?” I ask, pouring myself a glass of orange juice.
“You know…”
“Oh my goodness.” I roll my eyes and then go to the stove where our cook is getting a plate ready for me. I take it, and my phone goes off again. My anger picks up, but I don’t let it bother me. Ignoring it, I sit down and then talk to my siblings.
“So, are you going to answer that?”
“Your phone.” It buzzes again in my pocket.
“The damn thing. Excuse me.” I grab it and holler, “What?”
“Princess, I didn’t mean to be bothering you.” My body nearly melts in a puddle on the spot, hearing his voice as if he’s right next to me after all this time,
“Ilya,” I gasp. “What are you doing calling me?”
“I didn’t think it was against the law to call you.”
“It’s not, but…”
“I didn’t say I wouldn’t call you, Princess.” I get why he calls me Princess since my father’s known as a kingpin. Some would find it condescending, but I like it. My pussy throbs in the middle of my family kitchen with my siblings around. Needing some distance from prying eyes, I leave the kitchen and walk into the hallway where there is only one guard at a distance.
“Why did you wait a month?” I challenge. If he wanted me, he would have called me sooner, so why all of a sudden?
“What are you doing?”Trying to fight my desire and understand why the man I’ve been fascinated with for my entire life has suddenly called me after running from me again.
“I asked you a question first.”
“What are you doing, Natalya?”