Page 28 of Ruthless Prince
“You have a chef?” We hadn’t met anyone last night and we’d made our own dinner, which was simple wrapped-up food that I thought his mother had brought over.
“Not often, but since I knew you’d be here, I made sure that she’ll be here at your request.”
An instant flare of jealousy shoots through my body. “She?”
“She’s older than my mother, and totally not my type.”
“Not your type?” Who the hell is his type other than me? I’ve lost my appetite and am about to just skip out on breakfast.
“Nope. Not a bratty little Russian-American with trust issues and an exquisite body that has my heart, body, soul.”
“Fair enough. I’m pretty sure that’s a rare breed.”
“Extremely rare. Only one of a kind. Now, let’s get some clothes on you before it’s too late and I have to stab someone’s eyeballs out of their sockets.”
“Oh, yummy, makes me so hungry,” I grumble, rolling my eyes. “Besides, she’s a woman. I doubt she cares.”
“It’s that wonderful bratty attitude I love so much, and I care.” I get dressed, and we head into the kitchen where there is a sweet older woman cooking. “Princess, this is my chef, Olga. Olga, this is my lovely Natalya.”
She says something in Russian that I don’t understand, but Ilya quickly translates. “She said you are more beautiful than your pictures.” I blush.
“Thank you,” I say in Russian. It’s one of the few words I’ve learned over the years. My father’s distaste for his rootshadn’t quite changed over the years, so although he spoke the language, he didn’t force us to learn. My older brothers know it well and I should have learned it, but I’m not the brightest student.
“Sit. I make food.”
“Olga is learning English so that she can take care of your needs when I’m not around.” I look up at my future husband and press my palm on his chest with a smile.
“That’s so sweet.” Olga smiles politely as she makes us some food. Ilya speaks to her in Russian and then she slowly speaks to me in broken English before going back to the stove. Ilya sees her out because we won’t be home for a few days, while I pack a bag to take to his parents. My body anticipates his entrance before he enters the room. Pulse racing, heart pounding, pussy throbbing with need. I love this man so much.
He comes up behind me and slides his hands under my top, wrapping them around my waist. “So perfect.”
“We should be leaving,” I remind him.
“Yes, we should,” he answers with his lips on my ear, taking the tiniest nibble.
“Ilya,” I moan, sliding my hands down his thighs. “Perhaps we have some time.”
“Yes, we do.” He pulls down my shorts and panties. “Bend over, baby.” He pushes my back and I press my palms flat on the comforter. He swiftly frees himself and then his round head rubs up and down along my slit, sliding into my slick entrance.
“Oh, Ilya.” His hands cup my tits, squeezing them as he leans over my back and pumping into me so deep, I’m gasping for air.
“Damn that’s so sexy. Those sounds coming from your throat. Come for me, my princess. Come for me.”
“Oh, God, I am.” I clench up, fisting the sheets and shout his name as my thighs shake.
“Good girl,” he roars, filling me up with each thrust until he gives me every last drop. Our clothes are wrinkled and bunched up, covered in sweat when we finally pull apart.
“Oh, no. I’m a sticky, sweaty mess again,” I say with a smirk. “I have to go wash up.”
“Okay, but don’t take too long. We have to leave soon.”
“Yes, Mr. Semyonov.” I salute him and scurry into the bathroom with his seed dripping down my inner thighs. Although I attempt to take a fast shower, I start thinking about us and lose myself in thought until I realize I’ve been in there for half an hour. Finally, I turn off the water and come out wrapped in a big fuzzy towel.
Several expletives leave his mouth when I come out of the bathroom. “What’s wrong?”
Quickly he crosses the distance, wraps his hand around the back of my neck, and pulls me in for a kiss that steals my breath. “Enough. Dress now, or we won’t make it at all.” He grunts and withdraws, taking my towel with him and bringing it to his nose. “I always loved your scent, my menace.”
He doesn’t look back at me as he slides into the bathroom, turning on the shower again. Ignoring him, I dive into theamazing closet and find the cutest dress with a matching bra and panty set. When I’m finally fit to be his adoring fiancée, I step out and look for a brush because my long hair needs to be tamed.