Page 36 of Ruthless Prince
“Don’t lie to me, Wife. Those pretty lips are telling me something different than what’s going on in here.” I run my hand over her heart, pressing firmly.
“You’ve worked every day that we’ve been here. This is supposed to be our honeymoon and not the time for you to be busy with anything else but me.”
“I’m sorry, Princess. We probably should have waited to take our honeymoon until I had cleared up my schedule, but I promise that I’m done. Everything else will have to wait.”
My phone rings again. “Don’t make promises you can’t keep. Just take the call.”
“No. Nothing is as important as you. I want you to know that.”
“Prove it, Mr. Semyonov.” I grip my sexy wife’s wrist and lift her off the chair, flipping her ass onto the table. She bounces lightly, her tits doing the same thing.
“So sexy.” My hands make quick work of the scraps of blue at her breasts. Fuck, they harden instantly from the cool breeze created from my movements, and my dick notices. “Wife, you have no idea how hard it has been to work with you nearby when all I want to do is slide in inside you, touch this precious skin, and run my fingers over your tender flesh, wondering howfast your pulse will quicken as I add my mouth.” My hand skims along the column of her throat, my thumb pressing on her pulse.
“Ilya,” she gasps, her pulse racing as I expected.
“Yes, Princess?”
“Somebody’s watching us,” she whispers.
I flip around and duck my wife to the floor and find a little child in the room. Quickly, I throw my jacket on my wife, who covers up. My gun is out, and I survey the area. The kid can’t be more than three years old, but he couldn’t have gotten in here without assistance. The area has been secured, unless that fucker who brought our food left the gate open. Still, security would have alerted us.
“Your phone.” It rings again.
“Damn it.” My phone had been ringing and I ignored it for so damn long, but I guess it was important. She hands it over.
It’s my security. “Sir, the resort is on lockdown. Someone swiped the owner’s child. They have him on camera, but he disappears somewhere near the beach around your villa. They’re coming to question you.”
“We have the boy. He’s in our dining area, but I don’t know where the kidnapper is.”
“Come here, sweetie,” Natalya says, bending down and sticking her arms out for him.
“Mama,” he sobs. She takes him in her arms just as a bastard comes out of hiding. It’s the guy who brought our food.
“It’s amazing how this all worked out in my favor. I get two for one. Kidnapping Cyprus King’s heir and then killing him and leaving you to take the fall, a Russian piece of shit and his little whore of a wife.”
“You’re twice the fool because there’s no way you’re getting out of here alive.” He goes for my wife, but I won’t let anyone take her from me again. With a look at her, she knows the drill. She turns to the side, clutching the baby to her chest, and I quickly shoot the fucker in the head, sending him flying back, body hitting the floor.
The doors to the villa open, and several men enter with their guns pointed and ready to fire.
“Lower your fucking weapons in front of my wife and this small child,” I roar. My men follow suit, and then I see Cyprus King eyeing the piece of shit against the wall and my wife cradling his baby. He orders his men to lower theirs.
“We presume this little one is yours?” Natalya asks.
“Hold on,” I snarl. My wife isn’t properly covered and if she hands over the baby, her covering is going to open, flashing a dozen men.
“Don’t play games with me, Semyonov. Give me my son, or there will be hell to pay.” The deadly look in his eyes meant business and normally, I wouldn’t be intimidated by anyone and be enraged and his tone, but my wife is present and her life was more important to me than anything in the word. Protecting her is my ultimate priority, so I try to rein in my indignation.
I glare at him and put my hand up. “Calm down.” Looking at my wife, I say, “Princess, come here.” She complies with thebaby, facing me. I take him so only I am graced with her sexy breasts. “Go and put some clothes on.”
“Oh,” King says, the compromising situation sorting itself out.
“Yes. I’d hate to have to cut all their eyes out. So here is your little man.” He takes his son and presses him firmly to his chest. I can see he’s fighting tears in his eyes, but at the moment he’s remaining strong.
“I can’t thank you enough for this.” He sticks out one hand while holding his boy firmly with the other.
I shake it. “It was just chance. Who the hell is this prick ruining my honeymoon?”