Page 4 of Meeting his Daddy
I stuck my tongue out at him, then faced Atticus. Our boss was grinning at us as he shook his head.
“You two are so much trouble. Careful before you wind up eating sandwiches again, Corey. It’s probably best you head out for the half hour until the food is ready,” he said.
With a quick nod, I shuffled from the house and back to my horse. I took off at a slow canter until we reached the barn. I knew Bobby Allen wouldn’t be up quite this early since he had Elton these days. Those two lovebirds would sleep until the last possible minute before coming to check on the horses.
Once I got the majestic animal all squared away and gave him a treat, I moved into the office to read Ashley’s letter.
Dear Corey,
I’ve missed you. It feels like ages since we’ve talked. I only got your last letter today. We just got word that we’re heading back stateside soon. I’m not sure when, but I’m hoping that the letter you sent ages ago telling me I was welcome to visit still holds true. I know we’ve never exchanged numbers or anything. I guess you’ll have to write me back to tell me not to come if you don’t want me to.
There’s nothing else new here. It’s not hot where I am these days, but the cold isn’t much better. Ready to be back on American soil for the first time in fifteen years. Hopefully, it’s not all that different.
I hope everything worked out with Gerald. Your last letter made it sound pretty dire. I’ve known a few guys who struggled with the bottle. It takes time and patience, which I know you’ve got in surplus.
As for your friends all finding love, I think you shouldn’t let it get you down. There’s someone out there for you. I’m sure they’ll come around when you least expect it.
I’ve got to wrap this up quickly today since I want to mail this to you before the mail goes out. You’re probably wondering where I am or if something happened to me.
Don’t be. I’m still kicking. Gotta make it to the big 4-0 this year. If I’m lucky, the timing could work out to us being back home. Maybe we’ll finally get the chance to meet in person after all these years.
I collapsedagainst the desk behind me as my legs gave out. My heart raced and sweat beaded at my temple.
It couldn’t be possible. Not when I’d wanted to meet him for so long.
Reaching into my pocket, I tugged out my wallet. Flipping past my cards and cash, I went straight to the hidden pocket. That’s where I’d tucked it away six years and eleven months ago when he sent it.
The photo showed Ashley standing along on a beach with a pensive expression on his face. It was like he was in the moment but also wasn’t.
I remember when I got the courage to ask him to send the photograph. I’d sent one of me outside the barn with a big grin on my face. My words had been teasing.
I’ve sent you one. It’s not fair for me to not know what you look like now.
I wasn’t sure what I’d originally expected when I thought of him. That previous notion was long gone. I’d stared at the photo of the real version of him too much to recall whatever fantasy I’d crafted in those first couple of years.
The real Ashley was big and broad. He had more muscle than I knew what to do with and a face I could stare at for hours.
I had stared at it for hours actually.
His photograph stayed with me everywhere I went. Since no one knew he existed, I could only look at it during private moments like the one I was having now. The one where my long-time pen pal, the man I was more than a little bit in love with, told me he was coming to see me.
Well, he didn’t say that outright, but what else could his words have meant? It’s not like he’s telling me he’ll be in the US and then he wouldn’t stop by to at least meet me.
He wanted to meet me, right?
Yes. Yes, of course he did.
He’d said as much in other letters throughout the years. We were just never on the same continent to make it happen.
But we were going to be soon. Or maybe we were now. His letter is dated a few weeks back. And based on the urgency of his tone, I assumed his return to the US would be quick.
Ashley could very well be here already. He could be close.
How close though?