Page 8 of Meeting his Daddy
“May I suggest you get some food in you before you do whatever it is you need to do? The cook here, Harlan, makes everything taste divine. Plus, if there’s someone you’re lookingfor, that’s the best place to get answers. They’ll be less busy since it’s close to the end.”
His words held merit. It would also help prevent me from making a fool of myself in front of too many people.
I gave him a small smile. “Thanks for the tip. Which direction is it?”
He pointed over my shoulder. I didn’t turn since I wanted to be sure I caught all of his words. “They’re back that way. Trust your nose to lead you. If you hit the house, then you’re too far.”
“Thanks, Adler. I really do appreciate all this. The ride, the advice. It’s been nice to not feel so lost,” I admitted to him before pivoting to leave. I couldn’t hear if he said anything else. I was too focused on finding the food table and getting the answers I needed.
When I spotted two men clearing away what looked like to-go containers, I slowly approached the folding table. "Um, excuse me," I called out to get his attention.
The man made a noise under his breath as the one beside him giggled. I fought to not react to their words. It wasn’t a blatant dismissal from them. Maybe it wasn’t even about me. Their reactions could have been from anything.
"I'm so sorry, but we're out of food." The larger of the two men spoke before looking up at me. When he finally met my eyes, I saw the confusion in his gaze.
As much as I tried not to, I could feel a blush building at his scrutiny. I pulled the last letter I got from my pocket. It was the one that told me I could visit. I’d used it to ground me during the bus ride and it was what I needed at that moment to help me settle.
"I'm actually not here for the food. I'm looking for Corey."
It was as if my words cleared the bad mood he’d been in. "You're here for Corey? Did he know you were coming?"
Confused at what answer would get the best result, I found myself shaking my head and then nodding too. "I told him I'd try to come, but I didn't confirm anything. I hope it's not too much trouble that I'm here."
The man tossed his hand out in a way that was meant to dismiss my nervousness. It didn’t ease it completely, though it did give me a touch of hope.
Part of me wanted his friend to speak too since he’d been staring at me the entire time with barely a blink in sight. It was a little scary, to be honest.
"He's around here somewhere. And you're no bother. In fact, do you have a place to stay tonight? If not, we've got a spare bedroom for you. We typically do a little afterparty for everyone. You could stick around for that too."
My eyes went wide at the invitation. This man had no clue that I knew just how instrumental the wordlittlewas to the evening. "Um, I don't know. He may not want me to. It's totally fine..."
"Ashley?" The next words I’d prepared died as I heard another voice call my name from further back behind the table. It was a miracle that I’d heard it at all. The fact that it was the man I’d been searching for made it all the more astonishing.
Relief came swiftly. “Corey. You're here."
"And so are you." I savored the way his voice moved through me. It warmed me from the inside out, making me all the more curious as to how he felt seeing me for the first time.
I couldn’t get a read on him, nor did I know what the hell to say next. I didn’t have to worry because the man who I’d been talking to decided to step in for us.
"How do you two know each other?"
I rubbed a hand over the back of my head in a nervous move I’d used for ages. The only difference this time was that therewas hair there when there hadn’t been any for a long freaking time.
"Um, well —"
"We've known each other for a while. We just hadn't met in person yet," Corey said briskly. "But he's here now."
There was a pause in the flow of conversation that I longed to fill. I just wasn’t quite sure how to. Not with the man I’d been dreaming of for years staring at me like he couldn’t believe I was real.
Who the hell did he think got all his letters?
"Maybe we should leave them be, Daddy," the other guy behind the table mumbled.
Again, I’d have to guess the universe was trying to tell me something when I understood him so clearly without watching his lips. I turned to face him and the man he stood beside as reality set in.
These two were a Daddy and boy. I was left speechless at the realization.
Ignoring the boy’s plea, the Daddy said, “The offer to stay still stands. We don't send people away here. It's basically a bunch of strays who made their own family. You're welcome to stick around."