Page 18 of Thorn Evermore
Once inside, I scan the room, quickly finding the target in a VIP room near the back of the club. Once again, he’s surrounded by a shit-ton of people. Annoyed, I pause by the bar, considering my next move.
“What can I get you, stud?” The twink bartender behind me flashes a pretty smile.
“Uh, can you tell me what Carlton Richards’s favorite drink is? I want to buy him one.”
“Sure. It’s a drink called a necromancer. Made with absinthe.”
“He likes to live on the edge, huh?”
He chuckles. “He does. Want me to have it delivered?”
“No. I’ll take it. Hopefully he’ll talk to me.”
“With a face like yours, I don’t think you’ll have trouble getting his attention.”
A minute or two later, he slides the drink toward me. The heavy scent of alcohol wafts up from the glass. I could have something in common with Carlton. A man who does hard drugs and drinks absinthe is my kind of dude, but unfortunately, his time on earth is coming to an end.
I strut across the bar toward the VIP room where Carlton holds court. He’s not even close to being attractive by most people’s standards. No doubt he’s popular because he’s rich. His hair is cut in a stylish way, with garish blond highlights over muddy brown hair. His nose is too narrow, eyes too wide apart, lips pumped too full of fillers. He has the look of an alien trying to blend in with humans.
I twist my neck back and forth, then shake my shoulders,letting my compulsion rise to the surface. I just let it swirl around me, drawing the attention of the party boy but no others. It’s one of my favorite isolation tricks. I learned long ago that if I focus on whose attention I want, I can get it and block out everyone else’s.
Carlton tilts his head like a confused puppy, studying my face as he uses his index finger to gesture for me to approach. I do, passing the other people around me, almost unseen. I perch myself on the edge of the coffee table in front of the white leather couch Carlton sits on.
“A necromancer,” I say softly, offering him the glass.
“How did you know?”
“I know a lot of things about you, Carlton.”
He takes the glass, sniffing it before drinking most of it in one gulp. His pulse kicks up, the sound of his blood rushing through his veins drawing my beast to the surface.
“You’re a handsome man,” Carlton says. “What do you want with me?”
“A few minutes alone. Out back.” I lean in, dragging my hand along his thigh. “Want to show you what I can do.”
Carlton grins, revealing perfectly white, obviously veneered teeth. “Mmm, I was hoping for some carnal fun tonight. What does that mouth of yours do?”
Tear your throat out.“I’d love to show you.”
He studies my face, but I already know he’s coming. I don’t even have to encourage him. The scent of hard drugs—heroin, I believe—mixed with alcohol and weed seeps from his pores. He’s just gone enough to lower his guard, and lucky me, I’ll get a little buzz from his blood.
“Out back?” he asks.
“Yeah. You up for it?”
“Hell yeah, sexy.” He licks his lips. “Let’s go.”
I offer my hand and he takes it, the two of us passing through the crowd unnoticed. People can see us, they just won’t remember they did. I lead Carlton to the back of theclub, pushing through an exit door into the alley. Back here the music is muted, the paparazzi pacing out front, unaware that the scoop they seek is about to go down. Unfortunately, I won’t be able to tear the man apart. It’ll have to look plausibly mortal.
Once outside, I push him against the brick wall of the building, rubbing against him, but avoiding his mouth seeking mine. I’ll do most things, but fucking a target isn’t one of them. Especially after last night.
“Suck me,” Carlton grunts, humping my thigh and trying to push my head down.
“Hold on.” I press him against the wall, holding him in place with my hand, and focusing on his face. “Who did you piss off, Carlton? The congressman?”
He stiffens, pulling his head back. “What?”