Page 35 of Thorn Evermore
I reply to Yves.
Me: I am indeed.
Yves: Wonders never cease.
Me: See you soon.
I add an emoji with the tongue sticking out then drop the phone in a cupholder and tear off into the night.
Kyson seems more comfortable this time, leaning back in the seat and bopping his head softly to the music. His scent is even more pleasing than normal, and my mouth literally waters in response. What would it feel like to taste his essence, to gorge on his blood while he rode my cock? Gods, I hope to find out.
“Did you go to college?” he asks after a few minutes.
“No. School of life. You?”
“Yeah. Just a state school, but I didn’t finish. I hated all the forced coursework about stuff I didn’t care about. They should let kids who know what they want to study focus on that, you know?”
“What do you mean?”
“Well, you have to take two years of all this stuff like sciences and math and English. It’s supposed to make you well rounded, but I think it’s just to get more money out of people. I think you should be able to take a test when you enter that shows you know what your path is and then focus on that. For the kids who don’t know, they can go through all the stuff.”
“That makes sense. Perhaps it’s why I chose life as my teacher. There’s never a lack of courses.”
Kyson laughs softly. “I bet.”
“That and the fact that I’m not exactly good at structure.”
“Do you like history at all?”
“Love it.”
“Ooh. What’s your favorite time period?”
“Hmm.” I consider his question as I race down the freeway. “I’m fond of the French Revolution era. Yves has amazing stories about it.”
“Yves has stories about the French Revolution?”
Dammit, Thorn.Major slip. “Um, yes, well, he’s a huge history buff. The way he tells them it’s as if he was there.” Because he was.
“Oh, that’s so cool.”
“What’s your favorite?”
“Early colonial America, but not from the perspective of the colonists. I’m fascinated and also disgusted by what happened to the indigenous people who already lived here.”
His response piques my interest. I could tell him some stories too. I wonder if he’d be proud of me, knowing I took out numerous settlers who were fucking with native people.
“Yes, it is compelling history in this country, and sorely misrepresented.”
“Right? I learned most of it on my own by going to museums and reading books by indigenous people and groups that work with them. It’s maddening, even though my ancestors had a hand in it too.”
“It’s so important that we understand the past, and not just what’s told by those who benefited from it.”
“I agree. Did you have ancestors who settled in the Americas? It seems like all white people did, but I guess you could’ve come over later.”
“I had a cousin who came over first.”
“A cousin? Like, a great, great, great or something cousin, right? You said it like it happened recently.”