Page 38 of Thorn Evermore
I giggle. “Fancy.”
Thorn winks as he slides from the car, rounding it to open my door so quickly I barely register the action. Dang, he moves fast.
“I’m not sure who’s home,” Thorn explains as we walk to the elevator. “You might meet a lot of people or no one at all.”
He kisses my hand, pushing the elevator button, then pulling me even closer as the doors close. He wraps his arms around me, holding my back to his front, and nuzzles my neck. My whole body tingles, and my dick definitely starts to swell. Here’s hoping I’m about to meet no one with the chub going on in my pants.
“Mmm, Hades and Persephone, you smell good.”
“Big fan of Greek mythology, are you?” I murmur, not so subtly rubbing my butt against his crotch.
“I am. You?”
“I like it too. I have a dried pomegranate that was found as part of an altar to Persephone and survived.”
“I’d love to see it sometime.”
The elevator doors open and Thorn walks us forward, still kissing my neck. Voices reach us before I see anyone, but as we get closer, I see a group of men in a large living-room type space. Everyone looks up and stops speaking, almost like a record scratching.
“Ah,” one man says. “Thorn’s guest, who I told you all about.”
Thorn, holding my hand, pulls me close. “This is Kyson.”
The man who spoke first stands. “I’m Yves. Welcome.”
“Thank you.”
“Eros,” a man with long blond hair says. “This is Justice.” A slight man with unruly curls waves at me.
“Midnight,” another man says. He’s got dark hair and a deep voice.
“Hi. I’m Tru,” says the man sitting on Midnight’s lap.
“Pleased to meet you.”
Two men sit at a table with other men also sitting on their laps. “I’m Syn,” the one with long dark hair says. “This is Bowie.” Bowie, a very pretty man, smiles.
“Raphael.” This one is beautiful like he was plucked from a Renaissance painting by the master himself, but gained a few rougher edges over the years. “This is Haven.”
“Hey,” Haven says, smiling. “Welcome to the jungle, Kyson.”
Thorn snorts. “We’ll be in my apartment.”
“Bow chicka wow wow,” Haven sings, wiggling his shoulders and making my face turn bright red in the process. Tru snorts a laugh.
“Do your best to block out the sounds of pure pleasurecoming from my place,” Thorn says, unfazed by the teasing. “We won’t be playing board games.”
“Shocker,” Justice says. “Surprised you’re not going for something crazy like hanging off the roof or something.”
“Baby steps,” Thorn says, winking as he leads me away.
“You don’t mind them knowing you’re spending that kind of time with me?” I ask once we’re out of earshot.
“Mind? I might buy a billboard.” He stops, swinging me around so that I’m facing him. “You’re a catch, Kyson. You’re smart, funny, curious, and absolutely gorgeous. I feel like a damn rockstar that I caught your eye.”
“That’s literally ridiculous.”