Page 50 of Thorn Evermore
Yves grumbles, shifting in his seat. “Fucking Mafia again.”
“Yep, and clearly working on getting a foothold in our city.No clue if the other families around here know yet, but when they do, shit’s going down.”
“Understatement. You let him live? You hate traffickers.”
“I do, but I hate hypocrites more. Besides, I enjoy a good press conference with a humbled supposed holy man. He deserves exposure, not death’s mercy.”
Yves nods. “I agree. Unusual thoughtfulness on your part though.”
I chuckle, nodding. “I guess I had too much on my mind to go wild. I took a good bite out of him though.”
“That’s my boy.” He puts his hand over mine. “Now, tell me what’s really got you going.”
“Kyson.” My lips twitch into a smile as soon as I say his name. “He’s lovely.”
“I gave him this potion Viv made for me. It lowers your inhibitions. Your guard. He said what he was feeling because he couldn’t stop it.”
“He thinks this is a romance. He wants to stay and fall in love with me.”
“Oh no. How awful,” Yves says flatly.
I huff. “I know I’m weird, but love and romance and all that is… stifling. I wouldn’t know where to begin, even if I wanted to court him.”
“Court him? My dear Thorn, it’s the twenty-first century, and you seem to have done alright so far.”
“It’s just been dinner once and sex. Even I can pull that off.”
“This isn’t the first man to bat his eyelashes at you and make wedding plans, and you’ve always handled it fine. Why is it bothering you so much now?”
“I don’t know.”
“Yes, you do,” he says, squeezing my hand. “You’re just denying the truth.”
“Whattruth? Kyson is sweet and certainly lovely in bed, but… Well, the conversation is nice too, but other than that…” I pause, recalling our dinner. “Oddly, we do have a few things in common, but that isn’t enough.”
“Isn’t it?” Yves studies my face. “You haven’t stopped smiling since you mentioned his name.”
“I said he was lovely,” I mumble.
“He is. Thorn, my fearless brother, I think it’s time for you to face the very uncomfortable truth that fate may be in fact smiling upon you.”
My chest tightens as soon as the words settle over me, but instead of the discomfort and panic I normally feel, it’s something else entirely. Something… foreign.
“What is this…?” I rub my fist over my sternum. “It’s tight and fluttery.”
“It’s your heart.” He smiles, sitting back in his chair. “It seems your heart has already accepted what your mind still wishes to deny.”
“Are you saying…” I shake my head. “Kyson is… No.” I chuckle. “That’s not possible. Not for me. Not when you?—”
“It has nothing to do with me.” Yves stands abruptly, crossing the room to the armoire containing his stash. “I am not a charity case, you know.” He pours his drink, turning to face me as he swirls the deep red liquid in the crystal glass. “While I appreciate that all of you care so much for me, I am tired of being your focus. I am happy and fulfilled. When and if love finds me again, that’s when it will be time.”
“I didn’t mean to offend.”
“You didn’t.” He smiles, leaning on the edge of his desk. “Don’t you see, Thorn? This life is my gift. I found each of you, turned you, gave you new life. Now I am rewarded by seeing you all find your fated loves and reach your truest potential. I am not sad or longing. I am sure this is what fate wanted for me so that when it is my time, I’ll be ready.”