Page 87 of Thorn Evermore
“But… I don’t know if I should ask it.”
“I could peek in your head anyway, so you might as well ask.”
He laughs softly. “The love he shared felt…” He shakes his head. “I don’t know the words.”
“A strange mix of platonic and romantic emotions?”
“Yes! That’s exactly it.”
I open the door and guide him inside the apartment. “His heart is big. He loves all of us as both lovers and family, but hedoesn’t seek romance with us, nor has he for centuries. He chose each of us hoping we were the person who could fill his heart. He finally accepted that he had to wait.”
“There are no brothers after you,” Kyson notes, kicking his shoes off.
“There was one. He’s dead now.”
“Maybe I’ll tell you about him one day, but his memory angers me. Syn will rip doors off the hinges at the mention of his name.”
“Oh. It was bad?”
“I wish I could bring him back to life just so I could kill him with my own hands. He ruined Yves. Crushed his soul. I wish hell existed and he was burning in it.”
Kyson trembles, reminding me that he can feel my emotions as strongly as if they were his own.
“I’m sorry, lover. It’s a sore subject.”
He nods, rubbing his hand on my chest over my heart. “You love Yves too.”
“Deeply, but not like a lover. Not like I love you.”
“I know. I can sense the difference. His sadness is your sadness though.”
“Yes. I’m sure my brothers feel it too unless he blocks them. He always puts us before himself.” I wrap my arms around Kyson. “But I felt his joy too. His soul is soothed that we’ve all found our mates. I hope that now fate will reward him.”
“I hope so too, and I barely know him.”
“You’re connected to him too through me. His blood runs through both of us. Gods, it’s so amazing.”
“It really is. I feel so lucky.”
“It wasn’t luck, my love. It was fate.”
Chapter 25
I walk through the darkened store wondering why no one is here yet. The air around me is thick with fog, and nothing makes sense, but I’m on a mission. For what, I’m not exactly sure.
The click of a door draws my attention, my feet leading me in the direction of the noise before I think about it too much. I find Neal standing in the doorway of his office, sneering at me.
“What are you doing here?” Neal asks.
I don’t know, I start to say, but my thoughts shift to something feral and violent as his putrid scent assaults my nose. My gums throb as my fangs drop, my eyes burning as I focus on him.
“What the fuck, Kyson? What is happening to you?”
“Oh, Neal. Neal, Neal, Neal.” I twist my neck back and forth as the beast in me rises fully to the surface. A loud grumbling noise emanates from deep inside me. Hunger. “I’ve had just about enough of you treating me like shit.”