Page 31 of Twisted Iron
A laugh tumbled from my lips. “Come on then.”
He walked beside me as we headed to Devil’s office. “Something is different with you.”
“I don’t know what you mean,” I growled, instantly annoyed.
“Yeah, you fucking do. It’s the same shit going on with me. A woman.”
I snorted. “That sexy Italian princess?”
“Bianca,” he clarified. “And she’s fucking mine.”
Laughter rumbled my chest. “Noted. But I don’t like Henny.”
Manic shrugged. “If you did, it would be okay.”
I stopped, staring at him like he just grew three fucking heads. “What?”
“It’s time we let someone in, Reap. Me and you, we’ve danced alone with the devil far too long.”
He wasn’t talking about the president of our club.
“Just fucking sayin’, brother. That’s all.”
I blinked, taking in his words, wondering if I could ever relinquish enough control to let anyone in deep enough to see my scars.
“Just think about it, Reaper.”
I didn’t reply, but he didn’t expect me to say shit. We walked in silence until we stood outside Devil’s office. I lifted my hand and rapped my knuckles against the wood.
“Get in here. Don’t make me fucking wait,” I heard Devil answer.
A snicker left Manic’s lips as I opened the door.
Devil was seated at his desk, leaning back in his chair as his boots rested on the surface. A smoke dangled from his lips as he gestured for us to enter.
Raiden leaned against the wall to his right, facing the door. “Tell me there isn’t a fire.”
I flipped him off, noting his sarcasm.
Manic shook his head. He didn’t rise to the bait. “No. Got some news to share.”
“Spill,” Devil ordered.
“You know that cult we’re after?”
“The Sect of Primordial Light?”
“Yeah. I got in touch with the Tonopah Royal Bastards. Turns out they’ve had a run-in with those crazy fuckers too. Spook and his woman are both victims.”
Devil dropped his legs, sitting upright in his seat. “How the fuck you know that?”
“Because Forge,” he began but didn’t get a chance to finish.
The door opened, and Forge popped his head in as if he knew he needed to be there. Maybe he did. “Did some digging like you asked, pres. Found out some useful shit. The RBMC just patched Maddog as their new pres for Las Vegas.”
Devil frowned. “Already knew that was happening. What else?”
Forge entered and closed the door behind him. “He’s in close with the Tonopah club. His ol’ lady has a sister who was just rescued from a trafficking ring. Not the same one as the cult. More like rivals. Anyhow, I learned about Spook and Heather and passed it on to Manic. He made contact with Spook.”