Page 7 of Cozied Up
“Do you believe in soul mates?”
“Before today, I would have said no. But now…well, yeah. I do. Do you?”
“Absolutely.” She lifts her head and smiles at me. “This feels too perfect to be anything else.”
“It feels like I’ve waited my whole life for you,” I say.
“And all it took was a snowstorm and a bear to bring us together,” she says, grinning.
I laugh, careful to keep it quiet. “Just so you know, my life normally isn’t this exciting. My days usually consist of going to work, maybe watching a movie, then going to bed.”
“That sounds perfect to me.”
“I don’t even go out much. Aside from going hiking, I’m pretty much a homebody.”
“Really? Not even on dates or anything?” she asks.
“Nope. I used to, but not anymore.”
“Why? What happened?”
“Nothing happened. I mean that literally. I never felt chemistry with anyone. So, eventually, I stopped trying.” I pause, then go on. “I want you to know that I’ve never been with anyone, Tessa. I’ve never even touched a woman like I just touched you.”
She bites back a smile. “This is a first for me, too.”
“Man. We’re just a couple of late bloomers, huh?”
“I don’t think that’s a bad thing.”
“Neither do I.” Thoughts of the future pulse in my mind. “What do you think about coming to stay with me?”
She looks surprised for a moment, then breaks out into a full smile. “I’d love that.”
“It could just be a visit at first, but if you like it there…well, we’ll figure that out when the time comes, okay?”
“Okay.” She gets a daydreamy look in her eyes. “I can’t wait to see where you live. And meet your family.”
“I can’t wait for you to meet them, either.”
A noise from the other end of the cabin silences us at once. Tessa looks off into the darkness, but when no further sound comes, she returns her gaze to me.
I want to kiss her again so badly that it hurts. But I know that we’re pushing our luck. I give her hip a gentle squeeze and say, “I think we should both try to get some sleep now, beautiful. I’ll walk you back to your room, okay?”
She looks disappointed, but nods in agreement. She stands up and I take her hand as we quietly make our way down the hallway toward her bedroom.
At the doorway, I stop, letting her step in without me.
“Goodnight, Tessa.”
“Goodnight, Sean.”
She tilts her chin up and kisses me, laying a soft kiss on my lips. As she’s pulling away, everything in me wants more. And when I see her standing there, smiling so sweetly at me, with the big cozy bed behind her and the snow still falling heavily against her window, I can’t walk away.
My feet move me forward, and I shut the door behind me. And then I’m claiming her mouth again, harder and more heated this time.
“Tell me to stop,” I murmur against her lips.
“No. Keep going.”