Page 28 of Charm and Conquer
"Good thing I'm not looking for a boyfriend, then."
I step back, caught off guard. "Someone would be incredibly lucky to be your not-boyfriend," I say, desperately hoping I'm not going to hurt her feelings. "But it won't be me. I'm sorry."
To my complete surprise, Ellery smiles. "I had to try. Every guy in this town wants to find the woman he's going to marry and I am so over it. I just want to have some fun, and I thought you might be the guy for it. I'm sorry for me, but glad for Clover."
I stare at her, utterly confused. "Um, what the hell just happened?"
Ellery laughs, and her eyes twinkle with merriment. "You've clearly only got eyes for Clover."
My stomach roils. "That is not what's going on here. Clover and I had a very public kiss, but there's nothing else between us. We're not even friends. I'm pretty sure she hates my actual guts."
She nods seriously, but her eyes are still dancing with mischief. "So you forced her to kiss you?"
I sputter. "Did it look like I was forcing her to kiss me?"
"Which means she's also attracted to you," Ellery says slowly, like she's waiting for me to catch up. "She doesn't hate your lips or your tongue. That's a start." She laughs and taps the end of my nose. "You're hot all the time, Asher, but you're downright adorable when you're flustered."
"I'm not—"
"Do you train women at that gym of yours? I'm pretty strong, but I'd like to get stronger."
The change of topic throws me so completely, I think for a moment she's still talking about sex. "Um, sure. I can train you. At the gym. In public. Come by anytime."
She laughs at my awkwardness. "I will as long as you promise to protect me from the big scary men there."
"What do you mean?" The woman who'd so brazenly flirted with me doesn't seem like the type to dissemble.
"I don't want to step on any toes, but Fighting Fit Fitness isn't exactly welcoming to folks of the female persuasion."
The fact that only a handful of women ever come to Russ' should have clued me into that, but I'd been hoping I was wrong. "I'd like to change that perception. Come on by and I'll give you the first three training sessions for free."
Her eyes light. "Really? That'd be awesome." She throws her arms around me. Since she's much shorter than me, she wraps them around my chest instead of my shoulders. She pulls away and winks. "Come by the library any time. Your first three books are on me."
I laugh as she waves and walks away. Of course, Ellery Green is a fucking librarian.
Luckily, Calisto's isn't busy yet as it's before the lunch rush. I get peanut butter and jelly for Harper, a turkey wrap for Amelia, and a black bean burger and sweet potato fries for myself. I also grab brownies for Harper and Amelia. If Amelia were here, she'd suggest fruit for Harper, but what kind of brother and uncle am I if I can't spoil them with refined sugar and grease?
Food in hand, I walk the two blocks to the park and find them at the swings. "Unca Ash," Harper yells as soon as she sees me. There's nothing quite as good as the pure unadulterated adoration of a three-year-old.
I hand the bag of food to my sister and grab Harper right off the swing. I lift her in the air and spin her around as she screamsand laughs, her big eyes scrunched up tight from how hard she's laughing.
"Okay, stop swirling her tummy right before she eats," Amelia says.
I set Harper on her feet and she grips my right hand in her left. Well, she tries. She ends up just holding onto my pinky finger. "That's not a thing."
"It is for my daughter," Amelia says. "Come on. There's a free picnic table in the sun right over there." She swings her big Mom bag onto her shoulder and starts off for the picnic table she's chosen.
It never ceases to amaze me how much my sister's changed in the years since I left. When I fled Catalpa Creek at eighteen, Amelia was an awkward fourteen-year-old obsessed with getting good grades in school and running track. Now, she's a mom, confident and capable. She's built a life for herself and Harper, even after getting left by Harper's dad and having to take care of my parents.
She pushes a stray blond curl behind her ear as she walks, staring straight ahead, ready to take on the world. On a daily basis, she handles growling dogs, unwelcome snakes, and roaming opossums. She's tougher than I've ever been and I hate that she's had to make so many sacrifices while I was off living life and screwing up. And having a hell of a lot of fun whenever I could.
She had to grow up fast because I left home when my family was struggling. I owe Amelia the world and I will do everything in my power to make sure Harper has everything she deserves and more.
"Did you get dessert, Unca Ash?" Harper asks, her breath hot and sticky against my cheek.
I snuggle her closer. "I sure did. How do you feel about brownies?"
"Yay!" Harper shrieks uncomfortably close to my ear.