Page 33 of Charm and Conquer
He scoots with me until his warm body is right up against mine. I'm still soaking wet and he's warm, so I don't move away. "Just because we made out, that doesn't mean we're friends now, Aldridge. The whole world might think we're friends, but we aren't."
"I'm sorry about that video," he says, like he might actually mean it. "My friend Cody's son, Simon, is trying to get it taken down, but it's been shared so many times by now that he says it doesn't seem likely."
"It's not your fault," I say, almost automatically. "My friend tagged me in the comments and, knowing her, shared it on her own socials, so that's probably not going to help it disappear. Are you getting hassled about it at the gym?"
He shakes his head, still looking way too serious. "It's different for dudes. As far as most people I talk to are concerned, I'm lucky as hell to have such a hot girlfriend." He notices my dismayed expression and waves his hands. "I tell them you aren't my girlfriend, but that just makes them think I'm even luckier. If they believe me." He leans in. "Are you getting any hassle?"
"Stop that," I say, but it comes out breathy because he has amazingly long eyelashes and his lips look really soft.
"Stop what?" he asks, leaning in closer.
"Stop being nice to me. You're the ene-"
He kisses me and everything else disappears. The words I'd been about to say, the cold in my bones, the pain in my knee are all gone and I melt against him and wrap my arms around his shoulders.
He groans when I open my mouth to him and our tongues tangle. He pulls away just long enough to say, "damn, you taste good," and then he's kissing me again like he's afraid I'm going to change my mind.
He tastes like chocolate ice cream and he's so fucking warm. Trying to get closer to him, I straddle his legs and press my body against his. Anything to keep the good feelings flowing, to keep tasting him.
He slides a warm palm against my back and moves it up over my ribs until his thumb brushes my nipple through my sportsbra. I gasp into his mouth, feeling his silky hair between my fingers, desperate for more of this man.
"Unca Ash?" the sweet voice drifts into the ballroom from the hallway and I leap off Asher like he's on fire.
"What the hell?" I screech. "What kind of black magic is this?"
Asher doesn't move from his seat on the floor. The entire front of his shirt and the crotch of his pants are now wet because of me. "I think it's called instant attraction, baby."
I like the sound of him calling me baby way too much. I take a step back from him. "It's hate-fueled lust, that's all. Why did you even follow me in here? Are you trying to seduce me so you can convince me to let you have the gym? You know you're never going to beat me in the race."
It annoys me even more when he doesn't look the least bit annoyed by my words. He grins lazily, like a golden retriever who's just brought back the prize duck or whatever it is those types of dogs retrieve. "I just wanted to convince you to train with me. You're right about my cardio not quite being up to snuff and I hoped—"
"There you are, Unca Ash." Harper steps into the ballroom and toddles toward her uncle, Dani right on her heels. Dani mouthssorryat me, like she thinks I want to be alone with Asher.
Asher leaps to his feet in a single bound and lifts his niece up into the air, making her giggle, before settling her on his hip. "Did you get your cookies, sweet girl?"
"I got free," she says.
I turn and head for the stairs. That cuteness is too much for any woman to take.
"Is that a yes, Empress?" Asher calls after me.
"That's a when H-E-double hockey sticks freezes over, Aldridge," I yell without looking back at him.
Out of my wet clothes and in my warmest pajamas, I'm snuggled up in bed and firing up my laptop when someone knocks on my door. I freeze, my heart racing. "If that's anyone other than Asher, come in."
From my bed, I can't see the door to my room, because there's a short hallway separating it from my bedroom suite. I hear the door open, but have no idea who might be approaching. I slam my laptop shut and get ready to spring out of bed if necessary.
Noah pokes his head around the corner and frowns. "What did Asher do to you?"
"Why are you hiding?" I ask. "Are you afraid I'm going to throw something at you?"
He steps all the way into my room. "Honestly? Yes. You sounded pretty angry just now."
"Not angry, just forceful. Why are women always accused of being angry when we establish boundaries?"
Noah sits on the edge of my bed without being invited, and his entire demeanor changes. I've seen this side of him only once before and I don't want to see it now.