Page 73 of Charm and Conquer
His grateful smile makes me uncomfortable. I made the offer without really thinking it through. "That would be amazing. I think everyone's just tired tonight and understandably freaked out about what happened. A good night of sleep could make all the difference. I was actually considering camping out so they can stay with me."
"It's way too cold for that." I'm already shivering just standing here. "But this doesn't mean you and I are living together or serious or anything. You need a place to crash, and I'm offering you assistance."
His smile is teasing. "Don't be coy, Weston. You were just waiting for this opportunity to move me in with you."
I laugh in spite of myself and swat his arm. "You're an idiot. Go help your family. I'm going home to start cleaning up after Barley. If I'm not at the house, I've already taken Barley to Jaxon."
Asher stops his turn toward his truck. "Shit. What happened with Barley? Was there a message from your sisters?"
"Multiple. They went to my room to find out what was making all the noise and accidentally let Barley out. That kid might be small, but apparently, he can do a lot of damage when he's fed up with being cooped up all evening."
"Don't do anything until I get there," he says. "Rest your knee."
"Uh-huh." I start around my car to the passenger side.
"I'm serious, Empress. If I find out you—"
I get in my car and shut the door. I can still hear him yelling, but I tune him out. I also swallow my smile as I turn the key in the ignition and start the engine. It's undeniably nice the way he doesn't want to see me hurting.
My smile fades as I start up the driveway to the house. I don't want to see how much damage one little goat has done and I really don't want to fight with my sisters.
The first couple months we lived together were a constant battle over all the tiny things we had to adjust to sharing a house with three other women we hadn't lived with or, in some cases, even talked to in years. There's been some bad blood and miscommunications to overcome, but in the past month, living with my sisters has been not only peaceful but fun. I've lovedgetting to know them better and I'm not looking forward to another epic sister fight.
Especially not when I'm exhausted and my knee is throbbing.
It's nearly nine, a time when at least Dani is usually settling down, but every window of the house is lit up bright. Everyone is awake and likely pissed at me.
My father's words from so long ago come back to me,You're a charmer, kid, just like your old man. You could convince a bull not to charge by smiling and batting your lashes.
I swallow hard against rising bile. Those words had been everything to me once. My father, who'd never paid all that much attention to me, had finally noticed me and wanted my help. He'd told me I'd be just like him some day, that I had a natural gift of persuasion.
Then, he used my gift and me to get what he wanted. When I figured out what he'd done I decided two things: one, I'd never use my gift of persuasion for evil or self gain again, and, two, I'd help as many people as it took for me to feel like I'd made up for all the people I'd hurt. Because intentional or not, I'd still hurt them.
I've worked hard to keep those promises, but in this moment, I'm so, so tempted to go in there and avert my sisters' anger and annoyance. I know just how I'd do it too. I'd let the tears of exhaustion and frustration I feel burning my eyes streak down my face and I'd overemphasize my limp. I'd say I didn't realize I'd been gone so long and I didn't know what else to do with Barley.
It wouldn't even be a lie. Not entirely.
But it'd be a manipulation, because I'm a hell of a lot tougher than that and I knew exactly what I was doing and what I was risking when I left Barley in my room.
I push back my shoulders and swallow my weakness, then I step out of my car, cross the lawn, and go inside.
The house is silent and none of my sisters are in sight. There's no sign of goat damage. The whole moment is anticlimactic and I let out a sigh of relief.
"There she is." Dani appears from the kitchen, flour on her face and something dark and tar-like on her shirt. "We were just taking bets on whether you'd come home or leave us to clean up your mess ."
I could so easily distract her by telling her we found Bigfoot. Thank God for that NDA, because I am sorely tempted. "I'm sorry, Dani. I shouldn't have left Barley in my room. I should have asked for your help."
Some of the fight drains from Dani as Honey and Goldy step into the room behind her. Honey's dark hair is a tangled mess and Goldy's cheeks are red, her expression murderous.
"I'm sorry, y'all," I say as sweetly as I can. "I screwed up. I'll clean up whatever mess there is and—"
"You need to get the goat first," Goldy says. "Somehow, he climbed up to the top shelf of the pantry and he's way back in a corner, munching away on a chip bag."
I must have heard that wrong. "You mean he's eating the chips?"
"No," Goldy says, the hint of a smile showing through. "He's eating the actual bag. Where have you been?"
"Asher and I got lost in the woods. I should have been home hours ago, but I—"