Page 105 of One More Betrayal
I stand in time to see Lance leave the café with Ethan, the newest member of the Maple Ridge Search and Rescue team. “How’s the job site going?” I ask Lance.
“Good. We’re more than ready for you to come and inspect the work so far.”
“That was my goal for today, but I was catching up on paperwork. I’ll be there tomorrow morning. Bright and early.”
Lance chuckles. “That’s why I never want your job. I hate paperwork. Have you met Ethan Philips?” He directs a chin nod at the man.
“I have. We’ve worked together a few times locating lost hikers.” I didn’t realize Lance knew him. Ethan has only lived in Maple Ridge since the beginning of the year. “Good to see you again.”
Ethan gives a single nod. “You too, Troy.”
I say goodbye to them and enter Picnic & Treats. Zara isn’t working the counter, so I text her. She replies she’s in the staff room and for me to come on back.
She’s sitting on the couch when I enter, her paperwork spread out on the large coffee table in front of her.
She stretches her arms above her head and tilts to the left, lengthening the other side of her body. “Hey, what’s up?”
“I came by to get Jess’s favorite dessert to drop off at her house. Thought I’d come to say hi while I was at it.”
Zara tilts to the other side. “Wow, you have it pretty bad for her, don’t you?”
I drop into one of the armchairs. “Because I’m bringing her dessert?” I’m not about to admit to Zara the dessert is my excuse to see Jess outside of work, even if it’s for only a few minutes.
Zara lowers her arms. “What exactly are you hoping to happen between you and Jess?”
The question comes out of nowhere and isn’t one I was expecting or prepared for. “We’re still getting to know each other. We’re taking things slow.” Until Jess fully trusts me, that’s about all we can do after everything she’s been through.
Zara eyes me speculatively. “You know, between you and your brothers, you’re the only one I thought would get married.”
The corner of my mouth lifts into a smirk. “And because Lucas got married, you think we’ve met the Carson brother marriage quota?”
“No. But if you’re hoping to one day get married and have children, Jess isn’t going to be that woman.”
“Aren’t you jumping things a little? Jess and I are just dating. You can date without the whole marriage thing thrown into the mix.”
“True. But it’s always helpful if you know early in the relationship the other person’s long-term relationship goals. If you want to one day settle down and the woman doesn’t, it’s better to find this out early before you waste too much time on a relationship that will go nowhere.”
“How do you know Jess doesn’t want to get married?”
“The topic came up about a week and a half ago when we were talking to Simone, Em, and Avery.”
Fair enough. “Okay, so she doesn’t want to get married. That doesn’t mean I’m going to dump her because our long-term plans don’t match. I’m not looking to rush off and get married. And my life won’t be over if I don’t tie the knot.” Jess did mention well before she and I became involved that she wasn’t interested in settling down or having a family. I can’t say I blame her after what happened with her first marriage. Part of her must be terrified of it happening again.
“And your parents won’t be disappointed if they never get to be grandparents?”
“Lucas and Simone might decide to adopt,” I point out. “I wouldn’t rule them out yet.”
“Alright, as long as you know what you’re getting into with Jess.”
And there’s the zinger. The real reason for Zara’s questions. I don’t know how much she knows about Jess’s past, and I’m not about to ask her in case she knows nothing. “I knew what I was getting into when I first witnessed her have a flashback. I knew something bad had happened to her. I didn’t want her to go through what Lucas did. And that’s why I’m paying for her therapy. So yeah, I know what I’m getting into with Jess.”
Zara slants me a look that’s more unsettling than an unexploded land mine. “You mean your company insurance is paying for her therapy.”
I don’t respond. Lying to Zara is never a good idea as eleven-year-old me learned the hard way.
Her eyes widen with an Oh, shit. “Does she know you’re paying for it?” Zara’s cutting tone warns she already knows the answer. “Crap, Troy. I thought you had switched it to your company policy.”
“I haven’t figured out how to do that without telling her the truth.” That I’ve been paying for her therapy because I hadn’t wanted the cost to be a deterrent for Jess to get help. But that was before she got the restitution payment—something Zara doesn’t know about.