Page 109 of One More Betrayal
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“Hello,” I say to the woman on the other end of the phone. Violet is sitting next to me on the bed, playing with Sophie. The early evening sunlight streams through the window, the recently replaced curtains open since no one can see us from the street when we’re sitting on the bed.
“I have a friend whose husband physically abuses her, and she and her toddler need a safe place to go to rebuild their lives,” I tell the woman.
It’s the tenth call I’ve made in the past four days to a women’s emergency shelter.
“Is she still living with him?” The woman’s tone is warm and compassionate. Like it has been for those nine other calls I’ve made to the various shelters.
“No, she’s currently staying with me, but it’s not safe enough.” Patrol cars have been driving down the street several times a day since Violet disappeared with Sophie. Thank God they don’t have radio-seeking equipment like the Gestapo used.
I don’t think they do. I’m not exactly up-to-date on the latest surveillance equipment.
“Unfortunately, our shelter is full. Have you tried…?” She lists a place I’ve already called.
And the hope I’ve been desperately clinging to disintegrates. “They’re full too,” I say, even though it won’t change anything.
“There’s not enough funding and too many women who need to be placed. Has she filed a report with the police? She’ll need that if she plans to apply for full custody of her child.” This isn’t the first time I’ve been told this.
“It’s complicated.”
“Hun, it always is. She can file for a restraining order. But that doesn’t always work. Abusers often ignore the orders. How long has your friend and her daughter been staying with you?”
My body freezes at the question, frigid water pumping through my veins. Does she know it’s Violet? Can they trace the call?
Am I putting Violet and Sophie in danger?
Shit. Shit. Shit.
I end the call, the weight on my shoulders growing heavier with each passing day.
“Any luck?” Violet asks, optimism in her tone, though it’s clear from the defeated curve of her shoulders she already knows the answer.
“No. Everywhere I’ve tried is at capacity.”
“Even if they have a place for us, I’ll still have to file assault charges against my husband, which I can’t do.” She releases a hard sigh. “This is hopeless. And I’m putting you in danger, Jess. If Alex figures out I’m here, he’ll go after you.”
“He’s not going to figure it out. We just have to get you out of Oregon. And then you’ll need to go underground for a while.” A long while.
“I don’t have enough money for that. I can guarantee my credit card has been canceled.”
“I know. That’s the first thing he would’ve done when he realized you got away. But I have money.” I can give her some of the restitution money. Plus, there’s the money I had put aside for the renovations. They’ve been put on hold anyway because of Troy’s shoulder and my bruised ribs. “It’s enough to help you and Sophie get a new start.”
“I can’t do that. You need the money too.”
“You can do that, and you will. There was no one to help me escape my husband. I know how Alex’s type of mind works. He’ll never stop hunting for you. The harder we make it for him to find you, the better off you’ll be.”
A text comes through on my phone.
Zara: Are you still on for Game Night?
Now that I’m no longer avoiding Noah and I’m giving him a chance after what Avery told me, I said I would join the group for Game Night. But that was before Violet and Sophie ended up at my back door.
Me: Next week. Something came up
Okay, the shelters are out as a likely option. I’ll have to take things into my own hands.
I call Kellan. Please pick up. Please pick up.