Page 46 of One More Betrayal
“It was just a truck, Mom.” The loss of that I can survive. I don’t know if I’d survive if something bad happened to Jess.
“Very true. Anyway…there’s another reason I’m here, other than to drop off the casserole.” Mom nods at the dish on the counter. “Your father’s been itching to use his new barbecue. So we’re having a big family get-together next weekend. I hope you can make it, Jess.”
That’s news to me. “How come I didn’t know about it?”
Mom flashes me a grin. “Well, I’m telling you now. I hope you can make it, too, Troy.” She looks back to Jess. “What do you think, Jess? Will you be able to join us next weekend?”
June, Present Day
Maple Ridge
* * *
Two days after the accident, I sit on Troy’s couch with my laptop, go online, and check the amount in my bank account to make sure it’s still as it should be.
Almost a quarter of a million dollars magically appeared in it earlier today. My heart bounces into my throat, and I suck in a hard breath. “Holy fuckers!”
Why would the State of California deposit money into my account?
I’m still staring at the screen, positive I’m imagining things, when the sound of Troy entering the house through the garage door reaches my ears. I blink. Nothing changes. The amount in my account is the same as when I logged in a few minutes ago.
“Are you okay?” Troy asks, and I finally tear my gaze from my laptop. Worry lines crinkle his brow. “You look like you’ve seen a…well, you look stunned.”
That’s a good way to describe it.
“For some reason, the State of California deposited almost a quarter of a million dollars into my bank account.” My voice comes out sounding like one of Bailey’s squeaky toys when she’s playing with it. I clear my throat.
Troy studies my face. “Is this the first time the state has done that?”
I nod slowly, still dazed over the amount.
“And you really don’t know what this is?” Based on his tone, I’m the only one who’s clueless about why I received the mysterious deposit.
“No clue.”
He drops next to me on the couch and rests his hand on the lower curve of my spine. “My guess is, it’s a restitution payment for the five years you were wrongfully imprisoned. Didn’t anyone mention you were getting it?”
“Maybe. I don’t know. I wasn’t in any sort of condition to comprehend much when I was released. I did meet with someone from the prison or a lawyer or some government official before that, but I don’t remember who. They told me a bunch of stuff, but I was dealing with the emotional and physical stress from being stabbed. Everything was pretty much a blur—until I arrived here.” I had no idea I was due to get money because of the years I spent in Beckley, innocent of the crime I’d been accused of. “I just figured the government didn’t care what happened to me. I wasn’t their problem.”
The money is greatly appreciated, but it doesn’t make up for the abuse I suffered while in prison. Nor does it make up for the loss of my daughter in my life. If not for the justice system failing me, I would still be her mother. I would be the one who got to hug her, to kiss her boo-boos better, to read her bedtime stories. I would be the one who got to love her, who got to hear her say, “Mommy.”
I would give up all the money if it meant getting to be her mother again.
Troy’s mouth curves into a soft smile. “You know this means you don’t have to work for me if you don’t want to? You’re set for a while.”
“No, I want to.” It’s not my dream job, but it does give me a sense of accomplishment. That was something I didn’t have when I was married. “I need to think about the long term. The money I got won’t last forever.”
“Okay, if you’re sure.”
I nod, the movement less dazed than before. “I am.”
“Glad to hear that. You’re a great office assistant.” He captures my mouth in a brief kiss, then pulls away, the frown back on his brow. “I can’t believe it’s taken this long for them to deposit the money.”
I laugh, the sound slightly hollow. “Guess they weren’t all that excited to give it away. Or I temporarily fell through the crevices. But at least someone finally fixed that mistake.” Now if only they could fix the mistakes that led to me losing my daughter.