Page 64 of One More Betrayal
But she must have known we’re together. We were holding hands and kissing at the festival we saw her at last month. Although at that point we weren’t officially a couple.
“Must admit I missed that.” Her tone is the same one she uses when working at the Veterans Center. The politely friendly tone. The respectful tone. The tone she doesn’t usually use with me, so I can’t figure out why she’s using it now.
“Are you going to the fireworks celebration at the lake tonight?” Jess smiles at Katelyn, her expression not giving away if she notices Katelyn’s acting different.
“Of course. Everyone goes. It’s a town tradition. Maybe I’ll see you guys there.” Katelyn turns and walks away. “I’m meeting with my sister,” she calls over her shoulder.
Jess watches Katelyn climb into a car parked on the street. “I didn’t realize she had a sister.”
“She has an older sister who lives in Eugene.” My phone rings in my pocket. I check the screen. Maple Ridge SAR. Shit. I accept the call. “What’s up?”
“Troy, I know you’re on medical leave for the next few months,” Sheldon says. “But we’re short-staffed due to the holidays and a couple of climbers have gone missing. We need you to be the leader for the command post. That way Jeff can join us for the search.”
I release a long, relieved breath that it’s not a missing kid this time. Those are always the most emotionally draining—especially when things don’t end well. “Okay, I can do that.”
He tells me where the meeting spot is, and I end the call. “Sorry, looks like I won’t be able to spend the day with you after all.” I explain everything to Jess.
“Hey, that’s okay. You go be a superhero.” She kisses me on the cheek. “I’ll be fine. I’ll call Zara and she can pick me up.” She rolls her bottom lip between her teeth and fidgets with the hem of her sweatshirt.
“Are you sure?”
“Positive. And I’ll tell your parents what happened if I see them.” She lets go of her hem. “I’ll take Butterscotch and Bailey to the park first and then call Zara.”
“Christ, why does this have to feel like déjà vu?”
“Things will be different this time. For one, I have no intention of going hiking on my own. Lesson learned.”
I hate this, but I can’t let the team down. And I can’t let whoever needs rescuing down.
I kiss her, taking a little longer than I probably should. Kissing her deeper. Telling her without words that I love her. “Hopefully I’ll be back before the fireworks tonight.” She’s been looking forward to them after five or more years of going without seeing any.
I sprint to my house to retrieve my truck and gear, but my heart remains with the woman on the sidewalk.
July 1943
* * *
I don’t realise I’m moving towards the café door until I feel Danielle yank on my arm, halting me. “You can’t,” she hisses. “It’s too late.”
I jerk my arm away, hating that she’s right. If I run outside to the village square, it won’t change anything. The only thing it will accomplish is to give the SS officers a reason to end my life along with Pierre’s.
Or maybe that is also coming soon.
I cannot even go out there so my face is the last one he sees. It’s too much of a risk. The soldiers could put together that I’m also responsible for the crimes he’s clearly been accused of.
Angry shouts come from somewhere near the front of the crowd. I cannot make out what the man is saying, but it’s drawing a frown from the SS officers. They don’t push through the crowd to grab him. They just resume their task of breaking my heart.
It is not a gunshot that ends his life. A noose robs him of it.
Tears wet my face as I remember the man who was my friend, the man who made me laugh while the world is at war. The man I trusted with my life. We might not have always agreed, such as when he accused Johann of being a Nazi, right before I found Oskar and his family hidden in Jacques’s barn. But Pierre and I knew we could always rely on each other.
My legs begin to crumple under me. A strong arm steadies me and guides me to a nearby chair. I sit but cannot draw my eyes away from the window. I’m vaguely aware of the man taking a seat opposite me.