Page 92 of One More Betrayal
“Were you in the military like Troy?” Cora asks.
“Paramedic or EMS?”
I push to my feet. “No.” The word stretches out on a slow breath.
“How did you get PTSD?” Cora’s eyes widen. “Oh, my God. I’m sorry. That’s none of my business.”
“That’s okay.” My tone remains polite, friendly, but I really wish she would stop asking me questions. I already told Olivia I didn’t want to talk about the cause of my PTSD. I get the feeling Cora’s questions have nothing to do with her sister.
Cora looks at me expectantly, waiting for me to divulge my past. I can see it in her eyes, the curiosity.
I have no intention of giving her what she wants.
Cora smiles, her teeth super white against her mauve lipstick. “I think it’s great you have a boyfriend like Troy who’s able to help you. I bet a lot of men wouldn’t do that for a woman he just met.”
“You’re probably right. But you know Troy. He’s that kind of guy.” The kind of guy who likes fixing buildings and people. “He’s an advocate for those struggling with PTSD. That’s why he’s organizing the festival, to raise money to help provide services for those with PTSD. And to help their families. Like your sister and niece.”
I’m just lucky the state is covering my therapy. If it weren’t for that, in the beginning, before I got the restitution payment, I’d still be drowning like Cora’s brother-in-law was until his suicide.
“Troy really is a special guy,” Cora says, and I can tell she’s not only saying that; she believes it.
“He is.”
Nova fusses in her aunt’s arms. Cora lowers the little girl to the ground. “What made you decide to come to Maple Ridge?”
Nova squats in front of Bailey and giggles.
“It sounded like a great place to live, especially with the mountains nearby.”
“Where were you living before Maple Ridge?”
An uneasy feeling pounds inside me like waves churning up debris at the bottom of the ocean. So many questions. But I haven’t seen a hint of recollection on her face. No special ability to see past my scars and change in hair color. No special ability to recognize me for the woman I used to be.
“A small town out east,” I tell her.
Bailey has been patiently sitting next to me, but when you’re an eleven-month-old puppy, your patience only lasts so long. She tugs on the leash, eager to get going again. Thank God for that!
“Well, Bailey and I should get back to our training. It was nice talking to you, Cora.” I smile down at Nova. “Bye, Nova.”
The toddler waves bye-bye to me and does a cute little dance in front of Bailey.
The pair leaves, but as much as I try to focus on my training goals for today, I can’t stop wondering if the only reason Troy is interested in me is because I need saving. I’m a novelty to him. A chance for him to play the role of my white knight.
What will happen once I no longer need saving? Will he end things and move on to the next woman who needs his help? For all I know, something had already happened between Olivia and Troy long before I moved to Maple Ridge—or possibly even more recently—and they will end up together.
Bailey and I return home. I go to the fridge to make some lunch and discover a Morse code message stuck to the stainless-steel door. It takes me only a minute or two to figure out the message: Will be thinking about you tonight while I look at the stars and the Great Cock Constellation.
I snort-laugh and place the message on the kitchen table.
My phone pings with a text.
Simone: Are we still on for tonight?
I take a sip of my wine and place my fanned-out cards on the coffee table. “Full house.”
Avery, Simone, Emily, and Zara groan and drop their cards on the table.