Page 48 of Pure White Rose (Rose and Thorn 2)
His card only said one word beside the date and time.
I knew Thorn was going to punish me, but I didn’t know what he had in store just yet. Shaking, I waited to gather my strength and then finally pushed the door open, walking into the cool interior of the expensively decked out room I’d seen so many times before. Yet that evening it felt oh-so-different than all the other times I’d been in there, and right away, I realized why.
There were two women chained in the room already. My knees shook as I came closer, and one of them lifted her head to me. Her eyes burned with unspeakable hate, and she spat at my feet with so much venom it was a small miracle the wood didn’t ignite when her spit hit it.
“Pia,” I whispered.
Her arms were bound above her head, thick ropes tying them together and stretching them behind her neck. It looked uncomfortable as fuck, but I didn’t want anything else for her. After the way she’d lied to me, fucking deceived me, I felt no more mercy for her. She deserved everything Thorn threw at her. I only wished I understood why he still kept her around. She was a sorry excuse for a human being.
I continued my way down into the room and came to a stop next to the other girl. Her ankles and wrists were chained to a cross, and her legs spread open. Something was dripping out of her… Her eyes were sex-crazed and needy as she looked into mine, and I fought back a cry, realizing I barely recognized her anymore. It had only taken a few days of training to break Carina completely. The look in her eyes made me afraid of what was left of her.
I turned around to run but walked into a trap, Thorn’s fingers wrapping around my wrists as tears welled in my ears.
“Where do you think you’re going, little rose?” he asked me roughly, and I let out a gasp at the sight of him.
There was darkness in his eyes like I’d never seen it before. I knew he was going to hurt me. He was going to make me kneel and take this punishment in front of them. He would make the two women watch what was being done to me, and I wouldn’t get a say.
I wanted to hate him. I burned with the need to smash my fist into his face, and I hated myself for not being capable of it. When he wore that thunderous mask on his face, he made my knees fucking weak. In seconds, I was shaking in his arms, his embrace preventing me from tumbling to the floor from the shock of his touch.
“M-Master,” I stuttered, and his eyes turned black. “L-Let me g-go.”
“No,” he said smoothly, his voice like smooth silk. “Fucking never.”
He reached up in a flash, wrapping his fingers around my hair and pulling me against him. My arms went up as a shield, and I tried to protect myself from him, but there was nowhere to go but closer to him.
“I want them to see me kiss you,” he muttered against my lips, and I moaned out loud when he did, his lips swiftly demanding I responded back.
I couldn’t not, my arms trembling between us as he grabbed me, pulled me against him and kissed me like he was fucking my mouth with his tongue. I burned with shame as the two women were forced to watch us. The next second, he pulled away from me, forcing me to my knees and leaning down to kiss the top of my head.
“I want them to see me fuck you,” he whispered against my hair, and I shivered as he clasped my hands together, pulling a pair of handcuffs from his pocket and locking me in. “Come on, little rose, crawl behind me.”
I followed, my knees hurting on the hardwood floor.
I didn’t dare say a word, and he walked me right past them both, crawling like a slut behind him. I kept my eyes on the floor until we came to a stop. He forced my chin up and our eyes connected with longing burning in both pairs of eyes.
“Look at her,” he whispered, turning my head to the side.
I was inches away from Pia, and she looked at me with so much hatred I recoiled.
She was naked.
I hadn’t even registered it before.
“Tell her she gets to watch me fucking you tonight,” Thorn went on.
When I didn’t respond, he tugged on my hair, hard.
“You c-can watch him fuck me tonight,” I whispered my eyes on Pia’s.
She was trembling, and I watched a little tear fall down her cheek. It was mesmerizing.
Before I could dwell on it, Thorn was pushing me forward, and then I was in front of Carina, her eyes angry as they locked with mine beneath her, still on my knees.