Page 54 of Godless Creatures
Ava wordlessly planted the drink in front of her, not meeting her eyes.
“You forgot something,” I said. “Your manners for Daisy here.” My gaze flicked to Ava, whose mouth was agape.
The woman sneered. “Mind your business, whore.”
“Original. If you didn’t notice, we’re in a whorehouse.”
She turned, full-bodied, her mouth twisting into a grimace. “I’ll let you off thisonetime, since you're new. But let me put this plainly for your stupid, slut brain. I’m Eden, the Mistress of Forbidden Garden, and paramour to Maximus.”
“Not the only one, I bet.”
Eden shoved my shoulders. “Watch your fucking mouth.” After that, she was too busy chastising me to notice when I danced my fingers in the air to gain her dog’s attention, who chased the movement.
With the perfect accuracy of coincidence, someone called Eden’s name. As her head turned towards the call, her dog trotted forward, directly over her drink, saggy balls dipping low in her glass as it passed.
I tried and failed to hold in a chuckle. I thought I did well not to burst into hysterics on the spot. Eden’s head snapped back to find her faithful chihuahua enjoying a good pat from me. The little fella deserved it.
Eden snatched him out of reach and cooed. “No, Franny. We don’t associate ourselves with filth. You’re lucky I have VIP guests to attend to,”she said, grabbing her drink. As her parting back disappeared through the crowd, her head lowered to sip from her glass. I couldn’t prevent my lips from lifting into a wide-toothed grin.
Ava stood frozen. She’d had a front-row seat to that whole shit show. I winked, then released another carefree giggle before disappearing myself.
I foundthe heavy-handed asshole on a chaise sofa facing the stage, a flower girl strewn over his lap as he licked chocolate syrup off her breasts.
Another male sat across from him, identical in physical appearance. Even with their alarming resemblance, they couldn’t have had more conflicting auras.
The first was volatile and unpredictable; pale scruffy hair, expensive suit creased and sleeves pushed up to his elbows. Whereby his counterpart was the image of polished precision; black, vibrant hair impeccably slicked back, each button and stitch of his suit in perfect alignment. The only abnormality was the piece of thin silver dangling from his pierced ear. He ignored everyone and everything in the room, including the duo that canoodled across from him. He was rigid and unapproachable, difficult to read—even for me.
I placed the drink on the glass side table and turned to leave. Fucked if I was going to interrupt and ruin a girl’s pay check. Before I could disappear, a fresh lick of fear danced down my spine. I sucked in a breath and contemplated my options.
To stay or leave?
A pained groan released from the mahogany-skinned woman wedged between his legs. He held a firm hand over her forehead, while the other lined her jaw, grip so tight he had her pinned, bruises sure to leave a mark.
“Lily, you’re needed in the pink room,” I said. At least it wasn’t hard to guess her pseudonym.
Lily detangled herself and squeezed my hand, purple eyes flashing in gratitude.
Why am I such a pussy these days?
“All rooms are pink,” he said, challenging my order. He knew I was full of shit.
I gave a timid smile. “She knows which one.”
Lily nodded in reply as I ushered her away. I didn’t get the chance to follow.
“Come here,” he ordered. I stepped forward.
“Closer,” he reprimanded, flicking his fingers until I was bent directly over him.
I knew what was coming, not that it helped. I could have blocked the advance and squished his hairy balls until he squealed like a pig. Unfortunately, a pitfall of the job was to stay in character, and I was ever the professional. Forcing my muscles not to react, I took the hit. He backhanded me so hard that I landed on my knees between his feet, the imprint of his slap ingrained into my fucking cheek.
“I’m glad you sent her away,” he purred, nuzzling my hair out of my face. “She wasn’t strong enough to handle me. You are, though, aren’t youRose Petal?”
I kept my eyes on the ground, knowing that’s what he wanted.
My humiliation, my surrender, my pain.
“I like to give pain,so much pain. And my brother here, he likes to give pleasure,” he continued to stroke my hair, whispering in a placating tone. “Once I’ve finished taking you apart, he’ll put you back together again. Make youwhole.”