Page 112 of A Game Of Choice
Tears sting the back of my eyes, and I give my dad a watery smile. “I’ll talk to him again.”
“Would you? He seems to do better after one of your talks.”
“Of course. I hate that he’s suffering. Maybe I can convince him to talk to you guys.”
“Hopefully it’s before your dad kicks Easton’s ass.”
“He wouldn’t.” I gape at him.
He gives me a blank look. “This is Brody we’re talking about, what do you think?”
“Oh, god,” I sigh.
“Yup. But don’t worry about it. I’ll tell your mom you said yes.”
“I’ll call her later.”
As we leave the arena, Bishop is waiting by the front door but Toby is nowhere to be seen. “Where’s Toby?” Jax asks.
“He took off. Why?”
Jax lets out a frustrated huff and shakes his head. “I told him to stay back. He’s been dodging talking to us for weeks now.”
“Why?” I ask.
They both look at me, then each other. “Just hockey stuff,” Jax says, but I feel like he’s not telling me the truth.
“Come on, Shorty, I’ll take you back to the dorms.” Bishop wraps his arm around my shoulder, steering me away from my dad.
I want to ask questions, but the feeling of his arm around me and his freshly showered smell distracts me.
Bishop Grant, what are you doing to me?
FRIDAY, CLASSES ARE over for the day, and I’m heading out of my dorm to leave for the house when Toby exits his room at the same time. “Where are you off to?” He leans against the frame of the door, one of those half grins on his face that make my belly heat.
Things have been different between us the past few days. He’s in a way better mood and seems more like the Toby I grew up with. I should be keeping my distance because it still hurts to be around him, but I’m too captivated by seeing the old version of himself again.
We’ve been texting. Nothing like Bishop and me, but it’s more than we have in years.
“Dad asked me to watch the boys tonight so they can all go out to the city,” I tell him as I lock up my door.
“How come you didn’t ask me to go with you?”
“Because I’m eighteen and I can babysit two little brats and a teenager on my own.” I raise my brows, grinning at him.
He sticks out his lower lip and pouts. “I’m hurt, Little Flower. I wanna come too.”
I chew the inside of my cheek at the use of that nickname. “Then come with me,” I find myself saying.
“Really?” he looks so damn hopeful, I don’t have the heart to change my mind.
“I mean, if you don’t have anything better to do on a Friday night. Aren't the guys throwing a party?” I’m not going to tell him Bishop asked me if I wanted him to come along too. I turned him down because as much as I enjoy spending time with Bishop, I don’t want to make myself his whole world. He should be enjoying his college years by going out, drinking, and having fun.
I am a little jealous, though. The idea of puck bunnies or other girls hanging around him and flirting with him makes my stomach drop. But I shouldn’t be upset because he’s not my boyfriend. He can do whatever he wants.
“I drank enough last weekend. I’m good. Just give me a second.” I wait in the hall while he goes back into his room. A few seconds later, he comes back out, pulling a hoodie over his head. With his arms raised, I can see a bit of his lower belly and abs. Hell, that V...
“Lilly?” Toby’s amused voice has my eyes snapping up to his.