Page 127 of A Game Of Choice
His buddies start to laugh along with him.
My fingers curl into fists as my breathing starts to become labored. Closing my eyes, I try to take a deep breath. I will not let this fucker get the better of me.
“Your mother is such a whore,” he scoffs. “Fucking a whole team of people. Has she gotten sick of them yet? I know my dad is looking for a new woman, think she would be interested? Seems like she would fuck anyone.”
“Fuck you,” I snarl, but don’t turn around.
“Oh, seems like we hit a nerve. But come on, man, you know it’s true. You and your two mommies and—fuck, I lost count— how many daddies? You sure those kids of hers are any of theirs? Wouldn’t surprise me if she steps out, because if all of them can’t keep her satisfied, I don’t think anyone will.”
As if he can’t stand the fact I’m not reacting the way he wants me to, he amps up his insults. “Now, me? I’d go for that pretty little blonde daughter of hers. What's her name, Lilly?”
“Don’t fucking say her name.” I spin around, nostrils flaring. I’m going to fucking kill him.
I take a step forward but his buddies stand, blocking my path to him.
“She sure would be fun. I wonder what kind of sounds I could get from her as I fucked her raw. Would she scream? God, I hope so. I love it when they put up a fight. She looks like she would too. Kicking and screaming while I pinned her down, forcing her to take my fat cock. I’d lick the tears from her cheeks and fucking laugh as she begged me to stop. I wouldn’t, though. I’d fuck her until I came into her ripped little cunt, then I’d take her ass. I’d make her bleed, Toby. I’d make her beg for her life, and then I’d take it. I’d slit her pretty throat before fucking her dead corpse. And you know what? I think I’d make you watch.” He cackles like it’s the funniest thing in the world. He’s fucking sick. Fucked in the head. The things he’s saying make me want to puke. I’m going to fucking kill him.
“You know what? Yeah, I think I’m gonna do that. Hold him, boys, she’s back at the party, and I think I want to have a little bit of fun.”
No fucking way. I’m not letting him get anywhere near my girl. I don’t think, pure raw fury filling me. His friends step forward, stumbling over their feet from being so drunk. Thankfully, that works in my favor. I could take any one of these sacks of shit one-on-one, but three-on-one, I’m not too sure. I punch one in the face, and he goes down like a bag of rocks. The other one lets out a scream before he launches himself at me. Stepping to the side, he falls to the ground. I kick him in the gut before stomping the heel of my shoe into his face.
“You’re dead, Munro,” Tod spits, rage filling his face as he comes barreling towards me.
I give him a manic grin. “Not if I fucking kill you first.” I grab a metal pipe from the pile of trash lying around and swing it up. It hits him in the face, busting his nose. Blood spurts out, and I use the momentary distraction to bring it down hard across his stomach.
He curses and grunts in pain. I drop the pipe, grabbing a handful of his hair as he bends over in pain. Over and over again, I punch him in the face.
My hand throbs, but I ignore it. His knees give out and he drops to the ground. He’s too intoxicated to defend himself, but I keep going. Straddling him, I keep swinging.
“You will never fucking touch her!” I roar. “You will never hurt her. Never look at her again. You sick fuck.”
I’m too lost in the moment, unable to stop. And I don’t until I feel hands pulling me off. I hear Bishop yelling my name, telling me to stop. That I’m going to kill him. “That's the fucking point!” I shout in his face, chest heaving. I feel like a wild animal and probably look like one too.
He looks down at the bloody guy on the ground. “Fuck. Toby, what the hell!”
“He was going to hurt Lilly,” is all I say. I can’t go into details, I can’t repeat the vile things he said.
Flashes of it fill my mind; him on top of her, him forcing her down and doing everything he said.
I lean over and throw up.
“We need to call the cops, man. He can’t die.”
“He can.” I wipe my mouth with the back of my hand.
“You’re eighteen! You're going to fucking go to jail,” he snarls.
“Fuck. No. No, I can’t go to jail. I can’t leave Lilly!” I grab handfuls of my hair and start to pace. I’m spiraling, down down down. Fuck. Fuck! What have I done? No. I did the right thing. He would have hurt Lilly. He would have...
Over and over, images of his words play in my mind. I drop to my knees, begging them to stop.
“Lilly. No. Leave her alone. Lilly!”
I jolt awake in the shitty motel bed, gasping for air. Sweat pours down my face, soaking my hair and the blankets. Scrambling from the bed, I rush to the bathroom, dropping to my knees just in time to heave everything in my stomach up.
It takes a while for the dream to stop feeling so real and for reality to kick back in. It’s been a long time since I’ve woken up from one of my night terrors. Usually, I always have to suffer through them until my mind drifts onto something else, trapping me with those horrible thoughts.
They always feel so real, and it’s always the same terror. I’m strapped in a chair, forced to watch while Tod pins Lilly down. He forces himself on her over and over again. Her eyes locked with mine, begging me for help, pleading with me to save her, but I can’t.