Page 65 of A Game Of Choice
I’m only in the room for a few seconds before I’m joined by Bishop and Toby.
“Heeeey!” I greet them, smiling so wide it hurts. “Fancy meeting you here.”
“What are you doing here, Lilly?” Toby asks, a growl vibrating in his chest.
I giggle. “You sound like a bear. Rawr.” I make a clawing motion at him. Bishop snorts a laugh, doing nothing to hide his grin. “A very sexy bear.” I lower my voice and bring up my arms like I’m showing off my muscles. “A big, strong, I’m-gonna-beat-you-up bear.”
“Fucking hell, she's smashed.” Bishop laughs, shaking his head.
“If anyone was doing the smashing it was Toby’s fist in that dude's face. He’s gonna feel that in the morning.” I giggle. I lick my lips, allowing myself the moment to take him in up close. He looks lethal, and I’m ready to climb him like a tree. “If you want something else to smash, I mean....” I grin slowly and bite my bottom lip.
RIP a hungover, sober Lilly when she remembers making an idiot out of herself.
“I asked you, Lilly, what are you doing here?”
“Clay and Ryan brought us.” I shrug. “Didn’t expect to find you here. Although, it was a very nice surprise.” I let my eyes roam over his body again, stopping at the V above the waistband of his shorts, and lick my lips again. Very nice, indeed.
“You're here with Ryan?” He spits my friend's name with venom. My eyes flick up at the hardness in his tone.
“Yes.” I blink, not aware of the fact that I’m poking the bear. A very sexy bear.
“Bishop, take Lilly home before I do something I’ll regret. I’m still on the high of the fight, and my mind isn’t in the right place,” he snarls, body vibrating like he’s holding himself back.
“Where is it?” I blink at him. I really am drunk.
“Lilly,” he growls again, making my pussy pulse.
“Oh, do that again,” I say in a breathy tone. “My pussy liked that.”
Bishop groans, trying really hard not to laugh. Toby’s chest heaves, his nostrils flaring and it makes me think he’s about to push me up against the locker and fuck me. Oh, please! I’d very much like that.
“Bishop.” The way Toby says his name makes a shiver run through my body too. Drunk Lilly really likes this Toby.
“Come on, Shorty, let’s go.” Bishop steps forward and tosses me over his shoulder.
“But I didn’t get to climb him like a tree,” I whine, a pout forming on my lips.
Toby curses and Bishop laughs harder as he carries me out of the room.
“Put me down!” I demand, beating my tiny hands against his insanely muscular back.
“No can do, il mio cuore. You're drunk as a skunk, and Toby will rearrange my face if I don’t get you home safely.”
“He’s so grumpy,” I mutter.
“He’s not in the best mood, no.” Bishop sighs.
“I can go back there and make his mood better.” I perk up at the idea.
“Enough out of you.” He chuckles and brings a hand down hard on my ass.
I let out an involuntary moan that has his body stiffening and his steps faltering. “You’re killing me, smalls,” he mumbles to himself.
I bite my lower lip, my cheeks flaming. I feel floaty, and I have a loose tongue. Now I’m starting to remember why I don’t drink. Bianca thinks it’s funny as hell, and it can be, but tonight? Maybe not so much.
“What are you doing with my best friend?” I hear my bestest bestie ask. I can’t see her though, still hanging upside down over Bishop’s shoulder.
“She’s drunk, and I’m getting her home before she gets herself in trouble,” Bishop answers.