Page 84 of A Game Of Choice
“And as for Jonas.” Her cheeks go pink and if Ryan wasn’t here right now, I’d tease her about it. But she did just break up with the guy's best friend, so I don’t want to put my foot in my mouth. “He’s an exception. He can be a pain, but deep down he’s a good guy.”
I groan when I see that the lunchroom is packed. “See! I told you we should have gotten here sooner.”
“Oh my god, I’m sorry.” I slap her on the arm.
“You two go find a table before any more people come, I’ll get in line. What did you want?” Ryan asks as he moves toward the line.
“Pizza and a soda?” I suggest taking out a ten dollar bill.
“Same.” Bianca does the same.
“You got it,” he says taking our money.
“Thank you.” I lean up and kiss him on the cheek.
When I turn around to look for a table, I feel like I’m being watched. My eyes scan the room, landing on Toby.
He’s watching me, a harsh scowl on his face. He must have just seen me kiss Ryan. And he looks pissed.
A sick satisfaction fills me. Good, be pissed. He’s the one choosing not to be with me, not the other way around.
Remind me why I was so eager to find out if Toby had feelings for me again?
You know what, never mind, I don’t want to think about him right now.
Following Bee, we happen to find a table with enough room at the end.
“I’ve never seen it so packed in here,” she comments, looking around.
“If it becomes a thing, we can just hit up one of the shops around campus.” I’m not a big fan of crowds, but I can handle them okay if I know I have a way of leaving if it becomes too much.
When we go to parties, we hang out outside or in less crowded places, at least until I’ve gotten a few drinks in me and the anxiety disappears for a while.
Bee and I talk for a bit, and I try really hard not to look over at Toby’s table where he’s sitting with his hockey buddies. But I can feel his eyes on me.
“Pizza for the pretty ladies,” Ryan jests, taking a seat next to me and placing a tray down with our food and drinks.
“Don’t call Bianca pretty,” Jonas scolds, appearing out of nowhere and sitting next to Bee on the other side of the table.
“What? Why?” Bianca asks, raising a brow. “Do you want him to call me ugly then?”
Jonas growls. “Not if he wants his pretty face to stay pretty.”
“Hey, now. I have done nothing to warrant you rearranging my face. Relax. And if you're done pissing all over the poor girl, I was just getting them food while they got us a table.”
Bee and I lock eyes. We both bite our lips together to try and keep ourselves from giggling. Jonas has become this possessive caveman, and I can tell Bianca loves it. But knowing my girl, she’s not going to give in that easily.
“He is not pissing all over me, because I am not his to piss on.” Bee grabs her pizza and drink from the tray.
Jonas' scowl turns into a grin. “You keep telling yourself that, Bumblebee. But you are. Mine, I mean.” When she starts to bring her pizza to her mouth, Jonas swoops in and steals a bite.
“Get your own food, butthead,” she grumbles, shooting him a glare.
“Butthead?” Jonas grins, chewing his food. “That's a new one. What are we, five? Gonna call me a poopy-head next?”
“Fuck you,” she mutters, but I see a smile forming on her lips.
I’m sure people will probably think I’m weird because I’m so okay with my ex and best friend ending up together. But the thing is, I really am.