Page 23 of Stepbrother Mine
He holds up the cotton candy stick and mumbles around a mouth full. “I’m busy.”
I roll my eyes and step up to the booth. A few minutes later we’re walking away with a giant stuffed teddy bear that I have no idea what Sebastian is going to do with, but he’s smiling so wide I don’t fucking care.
We go on all the rides we haven’t been on yet after that, play more games, eat more overpriced but delicious food, and by the time we’re heading home I’m giving Sebastian a piggy back ride because he told me his legs were getting tired and gave me that puppy dog face I can’t resist. Whether or not he’s actually tired I have no idea, but I let him jump on my back and wrap his legs around me. Then I carry him and the giant teddy bear all the way to the car.
We spend the rest of the evening at home in front of the television eating even more unhealthy food, the teddy bear having joined us for the occasion, and when Sebastian falls asleep on the sofa, curled into a ball, his ridiculous bunny slippers on his feet, I carry him to bed and tuck him in.
“Rome?” he mumbles, as I reach for the lamp light on the nightstand next to his bed.
“Yeah?” I say.
“Thank you,” he murmurs.
Me: Come meet me outside
Sebastian: Why? I’m in my pajamas *frowny face emoji*
Me: It’s eight o’clock
Sebastian: Your point? *thinking face emoji*
Me: I want to show you my new ride. Remember how I’ve been saving up for a new set of wheels?
Sebastian: Can’t it wait until tomorrow?
Me: Sure it can if you don’t want cock for three days *devil emoji* and you want to watch while I jerk off and swallow my own cum.
I wait for his reply and when it doesn’t come I get a little nervous. Is he ignoring me? Then the door to the apartment complex bursts open and he’s standing there in his silk pajama bottoms, a cropped T-shirt with a unicorn on it, and on his feet of course, are his bunny slippers. I laugh and he glares.
“Not cool.”
“Got you here, though.” I press a kiss to his forehead because that’s all we’re allowed in public. It drives me crazy that I can’t show affection for him the way I want to when we’re out and about. I’m falling for him harder and harder each and every day, and I don’t want to sneak around like I’m ashamed of him. Like he’s my dirty little secret, when he’s the best thing that ever happened to me.
“Okay, where is this new set of wheels,” he grumbles, wrapping his arms around himself and shivering. I take off my leather jacket and drape it over his shoulders, and he gives me a dopey grin. I grip his arm and pull him along through the parking lot.
“Hey, hold up there,” he says, in between bouts of laughter. I pause and look back again. His green eyes are lit up by the street lights and they twinkle with amusement.
“Sorry,” I mumble. But he just winks at me.
“Hey, I want to see it, but we gotta slow down. These slippers are fabulous but they aren’t made for sprinting.”
I snort as he lifts his foot and wiggles it, the ears on the bunny slipper flopping back and forth. Those things are old enough now they’re closer to a brownish gray than white, and the soles are worn through. One is missing an eye and the other it’s nose, but he loves them.
“Fabulous might be a bit of a stretch,” I say, and he pouts. Damn, it takes everything in me not to kiss that pout off his beautiful, perfect face.
“You don’t like Delilah and Jessica?” he says. I raise an eyebrow.
“I thought it was Naomi and Heather.”
He frowns, hands on his hips. “That was six months ago. Keep up, bro.”
I laugh. “Okay, fill me in. It was Sarah and Pam when we first met.”
“Yes, and then I changed it to Anne and Grace the year you left for school.” I nod, trying not to laugh. He scowls at me. “Cynthia and Gertrude came after that. They lasted the longest.”
“And then Naomi and Heather?”