Page 31 of Stepbrother Mine
‘Who else touches you?”
He shakes his head. “No one.”
I lift his head and press a kiss to his lips. Then I grab his hand and drag him back to the table where Nerd Guy is sitting with his eyes wide and a shocked expression on his face. Good.
He pushes his glasses up on his nose and swallows.
“Sit, baby,” I tell Sebastian, and he does, giving the guy a sheepish smile and squirming a bit in his chair.
“I’m Rome,” I tell Nerd Guy.
“Adam,” he says.
“Nice to meet you, Adam. If you ever touch him again, I will break your arm.” His eyes go wider, his face flushed. I press a kiss to Sebatian’s cheek. “I’ll be right over there,” I say pointing to a table on the other end of the room. I glare at Adam and he swallows again before I move away, but not before I hear Sebastian.
“My boyfriend is um, he’s kind of possessive, and a bit jealous.”
Adam glances at me before looking back at Sebastian. “Yeah, I got that.” My gaze stays fixed on them the entire time. I’m pretty sure I can see the guy sweating bullets from here.
When the session is over, Adam packs up his things and scurries out like his pants are on fire. I chuckle. “That went well,” I say as Sebastian makes his way over to me.
“You scared the shit out of him,” he says. “And I have to get home and get clean. I’ve got dried cum in my panties and tights and they’re stuck to my legs, you asshole.”
I grin and stand. Then just for fun I pull out my phone and press the button for his plug and he jolts, then glares at me before stomping out of the library.
“Great,” he says later that evening as he looks at his phone. He’s naked and on my lap after warming my cock and having me feed him.
“That was Adam. He said he thinks I should find a new tutor because it isn’t working out. That’s code for, ‘Your boyfriend is insane and you guys give me the creeps.’” He sighs and tosses his phone aside, then nuzzles into me and covers his mouth as he coughs.
“You okay?” I ask. He nods, but I frown. He looks a little peaked and he didn’t eat much.
“Sorry, baby,” I say. “We’ll get our parents to pay for a private tutor if we have to, but I wasn’t happy with him. He wanted more than to just help you with your grades.”
“Really?” Sebastian looks startled.
“Yes,” I say with a frown. “You couldn’t tell?”
He shakes his head. “I’m sorry.” He coughs again.
“Don’t be sorry. You’re gorgeous. Other men are going to want you.” He gives a soft smile, his cheeks flushed.
“But they can’t have me.”
I kiss him, but it doesn’t last long. He pulls away, coughing once more, and then groans, and not in the sexy way. “You’re getting sick,” I say. He shakes his head. My eyes narrow. “Sebastian?” I put my hand to his forehead. “You’re warm. What are your other symptoms?”
He groans again. “I have a bad headache, and my throat has been feeling worse and worse all day. I'm exhausted, too.”
I frown. “Why didn’t you say something?”
“I’m fine,” he mumbles even as he coughs again, his eyes closed. I move him from my lap and set him down on the sofa. Then I grab the thermometer out of the bathroom and bring it over, pressing it to his forehead.
“You have a slight fever,” I say. “We should get you to bed.” I scoop him into my arms and he rests his head on my shoulder.
“Not sick,” he mumbles as I carry him to my room and lay him down. I dress him in a pair of soft panties, lightweight pajama pants, and no shirt in case his fever gets higher in the middle of the night, before tucking him in.
“Sleep,” I say. He’s snoring before I even leave the room.