Page 23 of Betrayal In The Bay
“Why did you ask Julia to come pick me up?”
“Well, by the time the police will let me talk to Annisa, it might be late, and I don’t want you to have to wait.”
“Oh!” I was touched that Aiden was so thoughtful, but I didn’t like leaving him alone with Annisa.
“It’s probably cold.” He handed me a coffee cup.
I took a sip and made a face. “Blah!”
“I can get another,” he said hurriedly, setting down the cup he was holding and digging into his pocket for change when I touched his forearm.
“It’s okay. It’s still warm, but it’s really strong,” I spluttered and held up my cup for him to taste.
He took a drink and gagged. “Oh my god! This is awful.” He tossed the cups in the trash.
“At least we have donuts,” I said and opened the pack. I gave him one and then took a bite from another. “Not bad.”
“It’s edible,” Aiden agreed.
By the time I finished the donut, I was really craving coffee. Was I desperate enough to try the vending machine coffee again? Then, I had a bright idea.
“What is it?” Aiden asked when he saw me smile and reach inside my purse.
“I bet Julia will stop and bring us something.” I took out my phone again and typed out, Can you bring Aiden and me some coffee?
The response came immediately, and I grinned when I saw it. I turned the phone to show Aiden Julia’s response, and he laughed when he saw it. Julia had texted two emojis: a thumbs-up and a kissy face.
Chapter Thirteen
“You’re a lifesaver!” I said, reaching out to take a cup from the drink carrier.
“Ah!” I sighed after taking a sip. It was scalding hot. She must’ve gotten it right before she pulled into the parking lot.
Julia laughed at the look of pure bliss on my face. “And I knew that you’d be hungry, so I brought croissants.”
“You did? Thanks!” I said, but I gave her a puzzled look because I didn’t see a bag. Maybe she put them in her purse. Her tote bag was large enough.
“Nice purse!” I exclaimed and noted it was exactly the same as the one Annisa had.
Julia’s face lit up, and she said, “Thanks! Annisa gave it to me.”
I was going to ask when Annisa gave her the bag when Julia said, “By the way, I don’t have the croissants with me. Tristan’s bringing them since my hands were full.”
“Oh, that explains why I don’t see—wait a minute. Tristan’s here?” I stopped in the middle of my sentence, and my eyebrows lifted in surprise.
“Who’s Tristan?” Aiden asked, interested in the new person.
“He’s my husband. We just got married a few months ago. In fact, you met Claire on my bachelorette party trip,” Julia said.
Recollection lit up his eyes, and Aiden said, “That’s right! Claire mentioned that you were getting married, or rather, you had gotten married. Congratulations!”
“Thank you. That’s so sweet. And, here he is.” Julia waved at her husband.
Aiden and I looked at the lean Asian American guy heading our way with a paper bag in one hand and a coffee cup in the other.
Tristan wasn’t as tall as Aiden, but he was just as handsome in a quiet and studious way. With his wire-rimmed glasses and clear skin, he looked like a member from a Korean boy band, except that he was a lot older than most of the band members. He was exactly the kind of guy that my mom would’ve picked out for me. Not only was he attractive, but he was also a doctor.
I let out an exaggerated sigh, thinking about how it still bothered my mother that I never went to medical school despite having a strong aversion to blood and other people’s pain.