Page 56 of Betrayal In The Bay
“At first, it was just a few BCDs. He said he needed someplace to keep them because he didn’t want his cat to scratch the fabric,” Annisa said.
Julia and I shared a look of understanding, and she said, “That seems right. We were at Trevor’s apartment, and he didn’t have any closets. The refurbished sardine factory was just one giant open space, and there wasn’t any place to keep Leo from damaging the gear.”
The bread bowl was still half full, but I no longer had a craving for clam chowder. “Let’s finish up and talk to Sully.”
As we were walking out of the restaurant, Julia pulled me aside and whispered quickly, “I want to ask Annisa some questions, so can you ride with Aiden?”
I nodded and said aloud, “Julia, if you and Annisa want to get Trevor’s cat, Aiden and I will go to Sully’s.”
“That’s a great idea,” Aiden said and smiled at me.
Annisa frowned. “I don’t want to face Sully right now. It would be nice if you could meet with him and tell us what he says.”
“What about Trevor’s key? How will you give it back?”
“Once we get Leo, we’ll wait outside. We can text you to come get the key and return it to Sully.” Annisa outlined her plan with an air of authority.
I gave her a skeptical look. “You want us to do all the work?”
Julia gave me a discreet squeeze on the forearm.
I closed my eyes for a brief second before I continued, “Aiden and I will talk to Sully, and I’ll call you afterward.”
Julia released my forearm and said, “That sounds like a terrific plan. Thanks!” She flashed a big smile at us before grabbing Annisa’s hand and leading her away in a rush.
“That was bizarre.” Aiden stared after my friends’ retreating figures.
I shook my head. “No, that’s just Annisa.”
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Aiden had to park in the beach parking lot because all the public parking spots near the dive shop were full. I got out of Aiden’s car and looked around the near empty beach lot.
“I can’t believe that we found Trevor’s body behind that bathroom just a few days ago,” I said, pointing to the building several yards away. Without the caution tape indicating that it was a crime scene, the bathroom looked like another harmless structure.
Aiden had locked the car and came around to where I was standing. “When I went to get Annisa, I asked if there was more information about Trevor.”
“Really? What did they say?” I asked curiously.
“Officer Shin claimed that he hadn’t heard back from the ME on how Trevor died, but I’m pretty sure that they didn’t want to share the information yet,” Aiden said and shrugged.
I sighed at the lack of information. “Trevor did some shady things, and he’s hiding something, but are those actions bad enough to get murdered?” I asked, tucking a brown wavy strand of hair behind my ear as the wind started to pick up.
“Here, let me help you,” Aiden said, sweeping the hair that had blown into my face and tucking it behind my other ear. “There, I can see your pretty face now.” He smiled.
“Thanks,” I murmured. Aiden and I locked gazes, and I felt his face inching toward mine.
“Hey, aren’t you guys the scuba divers that were here when that diver was killed the other day?” a man’s voice asked from across the parking lot. Startled by the interruption, we looked in the direction of the question and saw the same guy selling coffee looking at us.
“Yes, we were with the dive group,” Aiden answered politely, but his brows creased together like he was annoyed at the interruption.
“Did you find out what happened?” the guy asked.
I wasn’t sure if the guy was being nosy or trying to relieve his boredom since there wasn’t anyone else around. “No, we haven’t,” I said, shaking my head in disappointment.
I thought that was the last of the conversation, but I was surprised when the coffee vendor said, “It’s too bad about that diver. I’ve seen him here a lot.”
Aiden and I looked at each other, and a silent understanding passed between us to find out if the coffee vendor knew more.