Page 27 of His Holiday Fate
“I want to make you happy. Your happiness means not making you uncomfortable.” He opens his mouth to speak, but I cover his lips with my finger. “Let’s make a deal. I’ll start decorating and if you want, you can join in. If you don’t, that’s okay too. As long as you keep me company?”
“I can do that.”
For the rest of the evening, after Andrew helps me get my boxes from storage, I set up the tree. He doesn’t help physically, but he gives me pointers on where to put ornaments and how to hang my garland. By the time I’m finished, the tree looks better what I could have envisioned.
Stepping back into his chest, I lean against him and sigh. “This tree looks amazing. We make a great team, Scrooge. You really do have a good eye for this stuff.”
“Only for you.”
Chapter 13
I go to the bar to hang out with Dylan before our date. I invite Miles and his boyfriend, Chris, so we can all hang out. A few people cat-call and whistle when I lean over the bar to give my omega a long kiss. I thread my fingers into his hair, holding him in place until I get my fill. Dylan doesn’t try to move away, letting me have my way with him.
Pulling back, I nip his lip and mumble against his mouth, “I’ve wanted to do that all day.”
He scoffs with a grin. “You just kissed me like that this morning before you went home.”
I reluctantly release him so he can get back to work while I chat with Chris and Miles. I watch him from the corner of my eye as he moves around behind the bar. Miles and Chris go home after about two hours and I was left to hang with my omega, watching him talk to people and mingle with his regulars. He is truly in his element and it’s great to watch him work.
I can see why he loves it. It’s obvious the hustle and bustle fit him by the almost constant smile on his face the entire night.
I’m definitely falling more and more for my omega every day.
After my night spent at the bar, I’m more anxious for our date than ever. Seeing his smile warms me in more ways than one and we’ll both need it for the cold night I have planned.
Blowing out a deep breath, I calm my nerves and knock on the door. I haven’t taken an omega on a date in years, so I might be a bit rusty. I was too into my work to take Carlton on a date that meant anything so I planned this date for my Pickles with a lot of care.
When Dylan opens the door, I’m blown away by how fucking hot he is. His perpetual smile is brighter than usual. Before I can finish a more thorough visual examination, he rushes into my arms, wrapping himself tight around me. I automatically wrap him in my arms and kiss his forehead over and over. “I missed you today.” I wanted to make sure everything was perfectly set up for tonight before I picked him up. The few additional hours away from him were difficult, even if it was ultimately for his enjoyment.
“Same,” he mutters against my throat, kissing my Adam’s apple. “There better be a damn good reason you were away from me on my day off.”
“Of course. No way would I miss your terrible singing if it weren’t important.”
“Hey,” he said, swatting me on the chest. “My singing is not terrible.” It really isn’t. Dylan has a very pleasant voice; one I love to hear when he’s singing a random tune under his breath or those Gods awful Christmas songs he loves so much in the bar.
“Come on, beautiful,” I say, threading our fingers together. “Your chariot awaits.”
He chuckles, then turns to shut and lock his door. “Your car is nice, but it’s not a chariot.”
“I didn’t say we were going to my car.” He gives me a quizzical look, but I ignore it. My palms are sweaty and my heart is racing, but I try to play it cool. I really hope he enjoys it.
We step outside and our breath puffs around us. It’s a crisp night, but not too cold. We’re both wrapped in coats, scarves, and gloves, so I know we’ll be fine for our date. We’ll be spending it outside and he’s a hardcore New Yorker, so I know a little cold won’t bother him.
Taking his hand, I lead Dylan in the opposite direction of the bar, one block over. Once we get to the end of the block, I stop him and turn him towards me. “Close your eyes,” I tell him, then pull a blindfold out.
He grins, then closes his eyes, practically vibrating with excitement. “You really meant it when you said it was a surprise.”
I slide the blindfold on, then wave a hand in front of his face to make sure he can’t see. Then I touch my mouth to his slowly. “Come on, my love.” I pause for a moment after that slip, but it just makes Dylan’s smile wider. “We only have to walk a bit further.”
Holding his shoulders, I march him forward making sure he doesn’t slip on ice or trip on cracks in the sidewalk. After another minute, I stop and look at our ride. Puffs of air leave his nostrils and he looks at me with one big eye. I grin at him and his owner, then pull the blindfold from Dylan’s eyes.
His gasp and squeal of delight is totally worth all the stress and uncertainty I felt when I asked Dylan out on this date. He turns to me with a huge smile and wet eyes. “Scrooge. This is fantastic! How did you know I loved horses?”
I shrug, my cheeks hot. “Lucky guess. Come on. Into the chariot.”
“An actual chariot,” he muses, climbing into the carriage behind the driver.