Page 4 of His Holiday Fate
If I were into that sort of thing, it would be slightly arousing.
When he’s finally finished with those that gathered before me, he makes his way over to me, wiping his hand on a towel that’s slung over his shoulder. With the same wide grin, he asks, “What can I get you, handsome?” I catch his scent and it burrows into my senses. Peaches and sugar cookies. Two things that make me think of home. Wait, what?
With a grunt, I give him our orders and turn my back, not wanting to give him any indication that I’m taking his flirty bait. I can tell it’s his thing and I’m in no mood. Especially with how much of a Christmas person he seems to be. I can’t take that right now.
“Here ya go, handsome. Thanks for stopping in Winchester’s tonight.” I turn around and give him the once over. He’s fucking attractive, with his delicate features and his dancing eyes. His beautiful smile is already doing things to me.
I want to turn away and ignore him, but my omega father taught me better than that. I might be in a shitty mood, but it’s no reason to be completely rude, even though I already snubbed this guy once tonight. “Yeah, you’re welcome.” I drop a ten in his tip jar and go back to the table with our drinks.
Miles and Rome are grinning at me when I put their drinks in front of them and take my seat. “What?” I ask irritably, taking my shot and chasing it with my beer.
They both shake their heads. “You know,” Rome says, “when I met my mate, I wasn’t kind to him. Turns out, he’s my fated mate. You never know who fate will put in your path.”
“Not me,” I say seriously. “The last omega that had this cheery vibe left me on Christmas day because I worked too much. So, I doubt fate would be that cruel.”
Clearing his throat, Rome drops his eyes. “I’m sorry man. I didn’t know.”
Sighing, I run my fingers through my hair. “It’s not your fault. You couldn’t have known. I just get a little prickly around the holiday season.”
“Can I give you some advice?” Rome asks.
Knowing he’ll probably give it anyway, I nod. “Go ahead.”
“If this happened more than a few months ago, it may be time to talk to someone about it. I know that kind of heart break. I almost fucked things completely with my mate because I couldn’t get over the past. Just a suggestion.”
Leaning back in the booth, I twirl my beer bottle around and say, “I did seek therapy and worked through the worst of it. It’s just not easy to get over.” He nods in understanding. “But I did talk to someone. The holidays are just hard for me.”
Miles reaches across the table and pats my arm. “I get it. We’ve all been hurt. Just don’t let it stop you from flirting with cute bartenders.”
I throw a napkin at him, and he laughs, catching it before it hits his face. We sit around and talk for a while, the bar getting more rowdy, but not uncontrollably so. Admittedly, it’s a really nice place, but the Christmas music is pissing me off. Maybe I’ll visit after the season is over. Gods knows I can’t tolerate it any other time.
After about an hour and a half, both Rome and Miles beg off, saying they need to get back home to their mates. I try to get them to stay. Despite me not wanting to come, I had a really great time. Stephan was right, I need to get out of the house more.
“Come on. One more round,” I say as they’re putting their jackets on.
Rome chuckles. “My mate and oldest are sending me pictures of all the things my youngest is doing without me and I want to go home and see it for myself.” He turns his phone to me and there is a cute little chubby baby, smiling with his fists in the air, grabbing at another child’s hair. Despite myself, I smile at the adorable photo. It must be nice for him to have all this.
I incline my head. “Nice looking family you got there.”
Rome’s chest swells with pride. “Yeah, I have a good life. Now I need to get back to it so they can stop sending me these photos of me missing out on fun.” He pats my back. “Great meeting you. Let’s do this again.” I nod as he heads out.
I turn to Miles, who has a grin on his face. “I’m just going home to sink my cock into my omega. Do you want to see the pictures he’s been sending me?”
“No!” I shout, making a few people turn to look at me. “Definitely not. I love Chris to death, but I do not want to see his ass.”
Miles laughs, throwing his arm around my shoulder. “Don’t leave yet. Have one more drink on me.” He sits me on a stool at the bar, signals the bartender and slaps a twenty in front of me. Before I can protest, he darts out and the handsome bartender is standing in front of me.
I was already rude once this evening, so instead of getting up and walking out like I want, I stay put and order a drink. “What kind?” he asks, popping the top on a beer of someone beside me without breaking eye contact.
“Surprise me,” I say in a bored voice. I’m buzzed, so I know another shot is out of the question if I don’t want to get too drunk.
“That’s easy. Give me a minute and I’ll take care of you, handsome.” He strolls away and I can’t help but look at his ass. Before I can start to imagine anything, I tear my eyes away. Nope, there will be no staring at the good-looking bartender.
It’s been almost two years since Carlton left me and I never looked at another omega. There are plenty at the publishing house that flirt, but I keep it strictly professional. Not because I don’t want to fool around with coworkers, but because I haven’t been interested. But this bartender, with his nice smile, happy eyes, and friendly disposition … he has me thinking of what could have been.
A drink being placed in front of me snaps me out of my thoughts. “Here you go. Tell me what you think.”
I raise an eyebrow. “Right now?”