Page 13 of The Convict
With a growl, I stop following Prez and grab the prospect by the throat—making him drop Finn so he can scratch at my hand—pushing him against the wall. He’s decently sized, but my bulk and strength have him beat my miles. “Do you know who the fuck I am?” I ask. Of course not, since I’ve been gone for seven years, but someone should have told him.
He garbles and sputters, trying to speak. My best friend and the biggest instigator I know, stands beside where I’m choking this fucker out, leaning against the wall. “Telly, this is Rax. Rax, this is Telly. Rax is the previous enforcer, before Prez saddled me with the job. You’ve heard of him, right?” Telly looks at Zeke with wide eyes, nodding as much as he can. “That’s who you just disrespected. I was going to put you forward to be patched in but looks like you’ll have to prove yourself again because of your slick-ass mouth.”
I drop the fucker who popped off at the mouth and he lands heavily at my feet, dragging in a ragged breath, coughing loudly. “Sorry … sir.”
“Mistakes happen, Telly. Too bad your mistake will have you starting from the beginning. Now get the fuck out of here before I put my foot in your ass.” Telly scrambles out, looking back at me with fire in his eyes.
“Damn, Zeke. From the beginning?” I ask with a chuckle.
He shrugs, throwing an arm around my shoulders. “Fuck him.”
Prez turns around and pegs us with hard eyes. “If you two are done fucking off, come into my office. Bring the twink.”
My eyes slide over to Finn, seeing his face turn red then blanch. His anger won’t overtake his fear, it seems.
When we’re shut in tight in Prez’s office, he leans against his desk, arms crossed. “The fuck are you doing here, Rax? Last I checked, you had eight years to life left on your sentence.” Finn whimpers and I look over to see tears streaking down his face. Guess I forgot to mention I escaped from prison.
“Long story, Prez. Mind if I sit?”
“Not sure if that’s a good idea,” he says with hard eyes. I straighten my spine, meeting his eyes steadily.
Then, his fierce expression disappears and he smiles. “Fucking hell, Rax. A prison escape? Come here man.”
Grinning, I walk over and pull him into a hug. “I missed you man.”
“Missed you too, Rax.” When he lets me go, he holds me at arm’s length. “I see your fashion sense hasn’t improved since you got locked up seven years ago.” He pats me on the shoulder, then rounds to the desk. His smile drops. “Man, this isn’t good. Tell me everything so we can figure out how to proceed. And what the fuck happened to your tattoo? I know prisons ain’t equipped with laser removal.”
The familiar lilt of his accent washes over me and I know for sure I’m home. Dropping onto the couch Zeke deposited Finn on, I tell Prez the entire tale, including killing the guard. Finn’s tears haven’t stopped, but that’s not my concern. My concern is figuring out where I can lay low until we figure out how to get me out of the situation I put myself in.
To finish up, I thumb over to Finn. “He covered my neck tattoo so no one would notice.”
Prez sits back, two fingers on his lips. “If what you say is true, we have only a few hours before they know you’ve escaped. That gives us time to get you out of sight.” Picking up his phone, he presses a few buttons. “Shane, we need you here in twenty. It’s important.”
It’s after ten at night, so we have to do something while it’s still dark. The cops know where the compound is and it’ll be the first place they look.
The only people here that don’t know me are the two prospects. The rest have been a part of the crew for as long or longer than me, so I know they’ll keep their mouths shut. That Telly though …
“Call a meeting,” Prez says to Zeke, who nods. “Everyone that’s here needs to meet in the library now. Call as many people as possible that aren’t here and have them here in twenty minutes or less if they’re in town.”
Zeke takes his leave and Prez’s eyes land on Finn. “You won’t be trouble, will you?” Finn shakes his head quickly, wrapping his arms around himself. “Good. I’m Rafael Orozco. But you can call me Prez. If you don’t betray us, I’ll be sure you make it home. Just keep quiet for a bit longer and you’ll see home.” Finn nods. “Good. Now, let’s talk.”
“Unbelievable.” Shane says when he comes into the library after Prez told everyone that was around when we pulled up to keep their fucking mouths shut or he’d have their families wiped out. The patched members laugh, knowing Prez is serious, but not worrying about snitching. The two prospects try to look tough, but you can tell they’re scared shitless and will keep quiet just so they keep their lives.
I lean back in my chair, shrugging. “Believe it man.”
“You know I’ve been working on your appeals. I would have gotten you out.”
“I know,” I mutter. I do believe he would have eventually succeeded. He’s always been tenacious. I think he would have made it happen at some point.
Sighing, he rubs a hand down his face. “Okay. I don’t know anything about what you did or didn’t do to get here. It’s already bad enough I see you now. How long do you think you have until they notice your escape?”
I shrug again. “Maybe another twelve hours.”
“Give me a few hours to put some things together.” Shane turns to Prez. “Do I have a few hours?”
Prez nods, putting his hands into the pockets of his slacks. “Yeah, but no more. Cops’ll try to ask for our cameras to make sure he didn’t show up here.”
“I’ll stop that,” Shane says quickly. “They have no grounds and no judge in their right mind will sign off on a warrant on a hunch. Even if he doesn’t have close ties to this MC, it’s been seven years and you all visit sporadically. They’ll think he went to a closer chapter that has members that visit more often. Also, I have a guy that can wipe all the cameras.”