Page 77 of The Convict
Then I blink again.
I drop my arms from around Pete, still staring at Finn, not believing he’s here. Not believing he has the audacity to be in the same room as me, Pete, and Zeke.
When I just stare at him, not saying anything for a long moment, he clears his throat and raises a hand in a small wave. “Good to see you.”
Good to see me? That’s what he says after he’s one of the reasons I was being sent up the river? Yeah, I accept accountability for killing Trenton, escaping, and kidnapping him, but he made me look like shit, tearing me down more in front of the jury and the entire world. Those who watched the trial anyway.
My anger explodes and I push away from Pete, trying to get to Finn so I can choke the life out of him. I’m tackled into the wall, a huge body holding me back while I struggle with all my might. Fuck Zeke for always being stronger than me, even if he’s not particularly bigger.
“Get the fuck off me! Let me go!” I shout, staring at Finn, hoping to transmit all my anger and frustration to him through my eyes.
He’s shaking, tears dripping down his face as he holds himself and for a moment, it sends a pang through my heart, but that only serves for me to try to get to him more. Damn him for making me feel like this.
Prez puts his face directly in front of mine. “Calm the fuck down and let us talk to you!” he shouts.
“Get him the fuck out of here!” I bellow, pointing at Finn. Prez looks over his shoulder and nods and I watch a defeated Finn walk into what I can assume is the kitchen.
“He’s gone, so chill the fuck out!” Zeke growls in my ear, the hold he has on me unbreakable. I only fight a moment more, then I relax, breathing heavily. “You good?”
“I’m good,” I tell him after taking a few deep breaths. Zeke lets me go and pushes me in the opposite direction of where Finn went. “I said, I’m good man.”
“Yeah, well,” he says, shaking out his arms, “I’m not taking any chances.”
Pete, Zeke, and Prez sit around me, all of them looking at me to make sure I won’t do anything crazy. Not that wanting to choke a fucking lying traitor is crazy, but whatever.
I pull my hair over my shoulder, running my fingers through it in frustration. I realize it’s not knotted anymore and I curse, tossing it over my shoulder. The nerve of Finn to touch me again.
I try to stand, but Prez puts a hand on my shoulder. “Stop. You need to relax and listen. I don’t have much time. I have to get back to the clubhouse before the cops come sniffing around.”
“What the fuck is this?” I ask.
“It’s us trying to get you the fuck out of this country,” Pete says with a serious expression. “Sam fucked you over last time, but we’re making it right.”
In a hard tone, I ask, “Why is he here?” I don’t need to specify who “he” is. They know I ain’t talking about Sam’s bitch ass.
Prez’s eyebrows dip and he stands over me. I’m not afraid of him, but I know he’s pissed, so I don’t try to get him out of my face. “He’s here because it was his idea. He’s been trying to make sure you got out since the SWAT team carted your ass back inside. The least you could have done is listen to what the fuck he had to say before you tried to fucking attack him.”
Now I stand, pissed. “His idea? Yeah, I’m sure it was his idea to fuck me over on the stand,” I roar, chest heaving.
“No, that was mine,” Prez says evenly.
The wind is knocked out of my sails. Stumbling back, I look at Prez like I don’t know him. “What?”
He sighs, pushing his dark hair back. “Sit down and fucking listen. We have a lot to talk about and not a lot of time.”
I do what he says, needing to know what the fuck is going on.
For the next thirty minutes, I listen to everything they say. Zeke tells me how Finn called him a few days after he was taken back home, crying about what he could do to help me. Then, he, Finn, and Prez came up with a plan to weaken Shane’s case so I would be more likely to be sentenced harshly. My eyebrows dip, and I feel my anger starting to skyrocket.
“That’s bullshit,” I yell, cutting Zeke off and shooting to my feet again. “I never would have—”
“Never would have what?” Prez asks, staring at me. “Never would have done anything to help your brother? Never would have helped your brother’s partner when they were willing to put their freedom on the line to get them out? Never would have what, Rax?”
I just stand there, fuming. He has a point, but I can’t let it go. I can’t let go of my anger. I can’t come to terms with Finn hurting me so badly.
“Sit your ass down,” Zeke says, rolling his eyes. “If you were in our shoes, you would have done it too. It only hurts because it was him.”
“Fuck you,” I mutter, sitting down like he said.