Page 102 of Reaper's Revenge
“You okay?” she snaps me out of my thoughts. What the hell is wrong with me?
“Erm, yeah, I’m good.”
“Come on then.” We jog up the field to the helicopter and climb in, nodding to Rook And King. “Thanks for this, boys.” King flies us off, and Rook turns in his seat.
“Sooo… whatcha doing?” He smirks. “Couples costumes for date night are pretty cool.” He winks at me, and I shake my head.
“Not a date!” I snap out my tone lost over the hum of the helicopter though which I'm glad of.
“You good?” she asks as she rests her hand on my leg, and oh, how I want her to slide it up higher. I stare at it, willing it to move, willing it to take hold of my dick and slide it into her mouth. My hands clench at my sides, and I flinch as she slides close.
“Don't like flying, huh?” She starts to rub my leg up and down, and I can't take my eyes off her hand.
Rook coughs from the front, and my gaze jumps to meet his. He has a shit-eating grin on his face. He glances back to Ray and then to me. She’s looking out the window but is almost sitting in my lap; she’s that close and still rubbing my leg. My eyes shoot to Rook again, and he's still watching me, grinning. So I glance out the window but find myself looking into the window at her reflection as she turns to talk to King and Rook. I’m mesmerised by her animated conversation with these guys, but I can't take my eyes off her. I watch her every move, and as we land on an oil rig in the middle of the ocean, only then do I turn and meet Rook’s knowing gaze.
“Well, let's get date night underway, shall we?” Rook laughs as he jumps from the helicopter, throws his arm around Ray's shoulder, and kisses her temple, never taking his eyes off me. I'm not sure if he sees my spark of jealousy. I'm lying. I know he does. The smirk is back on his face as he turns and walks off with Ray. I'm frozen to the spot when a clap on the shoulder jolts me from my thoughts.
“Does she know…?” King asks.
“Know what?”
“That you’re in love with her?”
“I'm not in love with her.”
Barking out a laugh, he throws his arm around my shoulder. “Of course you're not!” He grips me tighter as we walk, and he leans over to my ear. “Women like her are like unicorns. When you see one, you better ride it and ride it hard. You never know when it will disappear!”
“That makes no sense.” But he laughs anyway
“Come, we don't wanna miss the show.”
“Yeah, let’s say Ray is fucking talented, twisted and inspiring when she works. She’s the most beautiful creature you will ever see.”
“Sounds like you're in love with her.” I chuckle.
“Dude, show me a man that’s met that woman and doesn’t love her in one way or another.” He laughs. “You can't, can you?”
“Bas,” I blurt out. “Look what he did to her!” I spit. “If he was alive, I would kill him myself.”
“Wrong, he loved her. It's what drove him crazy in the end. Don't end up like Bas. She won't be alone forever. Make your move, or you'll have to stand back and watch someone else step in.”
He lets me go and continues to walk. I fall in a step behind him and stick my hands back in my pockets, reeling from our conversion. I know he's right, but she'll never love me, love anyone after Steel. Could I play second fiddle to my dead brother? I could if it meant having her, even a small part of her.
Rook wraps his arm around me and pulls me to him, kissing my temple. I feel him grin against me as he pulls me away. “What are you up to, Rook?”
“Up To? Me? I don't know what you mean.”
I laugh. “Okay, Elijah, you know you'll tell me one way or another.”
“How long has he been in love with you?”
“What?'' I try to push him off, but he pulls me harder. “Priest? He's totally in love with you. The way he's looking at you has changed. Has something happened between you guys? Oh my god, it has, hasn’t it? You’re fucking him.”
“No, I am not fucking him. Keep your voice down. He's been acting a little off since we started training again, maybe a few weeks or so.”