Page 13 of Reaper's Revenge
“I didn’t fucking message anyone, who’s on guard?”
“No one. You told us all to come, lock up and leave, so here we are.” they all look around at each other and back at us.
Me and Ares look at each other. “Shit, Ray!” I gasp, and we turn and run straight to her room. As we sling the door open and fly through it, I stop dead in my tracks, and Ares slams into my back, sending us both skidding along through the door.
“What the fuck?” He gasps, shocked at the state of the room. And I freeze. The bedclothes are stripped back, there’s blood all over the sheets, and the table that slides over the bed has a bloody piece of paper on it with two lumps of what looks like bloody fabric or something with a scalpel stabbed into the paper. He puts his hand on my chest. “Let me look, mate. Just give me a second, okay?”
I nod. I don’t think I’m processing anything at the minute, and all I can stare at is the blood. It’s all over. There’s so much of it.
“What’s going on?” Tank walks into the room behind me. “Holy fuck, what the hell? Where is she? Is she okay?”
“Shit,” Ares breathes out. “It’s her tattoos.”
“What do you mean, it’s her tattoos?” I step forward. He’s taken the scalpel out of the paper, and he’s using it to spread out what I thought was fabric. Looking over his shoulder, I retch. “Shit.”
“That’s fucked up.” Tank chokes out with his fist against his mouth.
Ares spreads out her ‘Reapers’ tattoo from her hip and her ‘Steel’ tattoo from her chest.
I pull the paper off the table, my hand shaking and my voice not much better as I read it out loud…
Blood in, blood out! I hope this is enough. Consider it my resignation. If not, go fuck yourself for the rest!
Consider this notice of our impending divorce. Papers are waiting at the clubhouse with the bike and cut! Enjoy your newfound freedom. You can fuck all the doctors you like now! Hope your dick falls off!
To everyone else who failed me, I’d like to say it’s been a pleasure, but you can all suck my dick and rot in hell instead!
Hate, from
“Jesus, she doesn’t beat around the bush, does she?” Tank shakes his head. “Where is—”
His phone rings, cutting him off. He glances down and mouths. “It’s Skye. Hey, love, can I call… wait, wait… calm down, love… we’re on our way… get away from there… I’m coming.” He hangs up. “We need to go now. The clubhouse and lodges are on fire!”
We don’t have time for anything else. I grab the tattoos in the paper I have in my hand. Don’t ask me why; I just couldn’t bear leaving a part of her behind again, and we run, shouting to the others to get back to the clubhouse as we thunder down the corridor.
It’s chaos; fire trucks are everywhere, and the parking lot is closed. We have to abandon the bikes out on the road, and as we run into the grounds, the fire crews are milling around. There doesn’t seem to be any fire now.
“What the fuck happened?” Ares barks as the fire crews spin to see what’s going on. There’s an ambulance parked in front of the garage, and I can see Demi, Skye and Beauty in the back. Me, Ares, Dozer and Tank run over to them. Tank sweeps Skye into his arms.
“Are you okay, love?” She nods, although wearing an oxygen mask.
I grab Demi. “Are you hurt? What happened?” They all look at each other and shake their heads. “Demi, what happened?” She shakes her head again. “Did Ray do this?” Demi looks away.
“I will fucking kill her!” Ares spits. “Do you see it now? Do you? She’s a fucking parasite! I will fucking—”
“You’ll what?” Skye rips the mask off her face. “You’ll what, eh, Ares? Abandon her? Leave her alone? Turn on her? Spew hate every second of every day? Too fucking late! You fucking did that already! She left you a message! You’ve made your fucking beds, now lie in them! Not once did she ever abandon any of her brothers! We”—she gestured to the girls—“were never in any danger. Check the damage, Ares, because I believe she went easy on each and every one of you that turned your fucking backs on her!”
“Love, you could have been hurt, the baby!”
Tank tries to reason.
“If she wanted to have hurt anyone, she could have. She made sure you were all safe and away from here!” Skye stands and throws the blankets off her. “She made her point! And she made sure we were safe while she did it. I even fucking watched because of what you did to her.” She jabs her fingers at Ares and me because Tank and Dozer always were on her side, and in that moment, I know she’s right. She’s pushing us away now, so it doesn’t hurt her. She’s trying to make us feel justified in hating her. “You fucking deserve what you got!” She steps down from the ambulance. “Tank, can you take me home, please?”