Page 15 of Reaper's Revenge
“Look, son, you can’t come in here demanding things. That’s not how life works,” Bernie informs me like I haven’t just had life right royally fuck me in the ass and like I didn’t figure that out myself.
“You looked for me for years. You made a promise to my dad that you would look after me and treat me as your own. Well, if Bran or Dane stood up now and needed a chopper, you’d get one here, so I’m asking. Can you get me a chopper?”
“No!” Cade shakes his head. “Yeah, we promised your dad these things, but now with Ray…”
“Is she your daughter? Your biological daughter, I mean?”
He nods. “So you'll take her side over mine? I thought you didn’t take sides. Would you take Bran's side over Dane’s? Am I not family now I’ve fucked up? Is that it?” I shake my head. “I made a mistake. I need to make it right. Will you get me a chopper or not?”
“No!” Cade stands and folds his arms across his chest.
“You haven’t even asked what I need it for.”
Bernie stands, too. “It doesn’t matter, son. We can’t help you.”
“Can’t, or won’t?”
“Steel. Just go!” Bernie insists.
Before I know what I’m doing, I reach into my waistband and grab my gun. I slide to the side, wrap my arm around Marie’s chest, and slide behind her, pressing the gun to her temple.
“I won’t ask again. Get. Me. A. Fucking. Chopper!” I grip her tighter to my chest. “If I can’t keep my wife, you don’t get to keep yours. I will blow her fucking head off!”
Bernie takes a step towards me, and I push the gun harder against her temple. “Do not test me, Bernie. I will burn the world down to get her back! Now, when will the chopper be here?”
Bernie moves, and I drag Marie back a step. “Chill, son. I’m grabbing my phone.”
“She’s coming with me. I’ll let her go once we get back.”
“You’re not taking her anywhere, son!” he spits at me.” Bran and Dane are twitching but trying to remain calm.
“Bernie, with respect, I’m not letting her go till I stop this divorce. Then I will deliver her back unmarked and safe.”
Marie starts to turn in my grip. She looks up at me and slides her hand up to cup my face. My eyes close, and a tear runs down it.
“Get him the chopper, Bernie.”
“Marie, I’m not taking sides. If Ray finds out we helped him… ”
“Bernie, did she specifically ask you not to help him?”
“No, but…”
“No but nothing. If we’re ever gonna get her back, she’ll need him.” She turns back again and pushes the gun down, and I hang my head in shame. I can’t believe I’ve held Marie at gunpoint. My in-laws are so gonna want this divorce to go through now. “Now let me get my coat, Bernie. Get us the chopper, Steel; listen to me, okay?” I glance up at her and nod. “You can’t ever let her down again. If we get her back, you’ll have to make sure you don’t. Do you hear me, son?”
I nod again and pull her into a hug. “I’m sorry, Marie, I’m so sorry, I just… I can’t think straight without her. I need her. I need to stop this.”
She just nods and takes a step back. “Give me a second, okay? Bernard Walker, I don’t hear a phone call being made ordering us a chopper. Make it happen!”
Cade takes a step forward. “Don’t!” That’s all Marie says before she walks away. Bernie orders the chopper, taking a step towards me.
“I’ll go with you too, son.” Bernie walks towards me, and I just stand there. He wraps his arms around me, pulling me against him. “Pull a stunt like this again, and I will kill you myself, you understand?”
“I’m sorry, Bernie, I just… ”
“I know, son, let’s get you sorted, come on.”
Fifteen minutes later, we’re being dropped off in a random field near their house as the chopper lands in front of us.