Page 24 of Reaper's Revenge
“What did he do, Tali?”
“You saw Ray! You saw what he did!”
“You’re saying Roach did that?” She just looks away again. “Tali, please, I need to find my sister. I know I fucked up, but I love her, and I just want her to be safe, okay?”
“Safe?” She huffs. “No one can save her, Viking. She’s gone.”
“Tell your mom I’m sorry. I’m going back to the MC. I’m going to find Ray and bring her home, and if your mom will forgive me, I will come back, then and only then.” I pull her to me and hug her. “I love you both, okay? Take care of yourselves, and call me if you need me.”
I walk out of that villa and don’t look back. This is so fucked up. If Roach did this to Ray, then he can rot where he is, but my sister needs me more than ever, whether she’ll ever admit it or not!
We’re getting nowhere. It’s so fucked up, we can’t find any info on anything, everything’s a dead end. I’m so stressed and not sleeping, and on top of all the Ray shit, Dane won’t even talk to me. I can’t live without them both. I need to take a step back and regroup to see if I can’t find a way to get them both back permanently.
I jump on my bike and head into Ravenswood. I park up in the centre, and as I’m about to take my helmet off, I see Dane at the other end of the parking lot, heading this way, waving. He’s wearing sexy as fuck ripped jeans with a wife-beater tucked in and a pale blue short-sleeved shirt unbuttoned over the top. His jeans are tight and stuffed into military boots. He’s still got the messy longer hair and short beard, and fuck my life, if he doesn’t look smoking hot. I’m just about to wave as a guy in a fucking suit, of all things, heads past me, waving.
I leave my helmet on, and when they meet, they hug and Dane gives him a kiss on the cheek before stepping back, stuffing his hands in his pockets and kicking at the floor. He looks… is he nervous? Are they on a fucking date? Are you fucking kidding me right now? The suit guy reaches and takes his hand, and walks towards the coffee shop.
“Dane.” I hadn’t realised I was off my bike and jogging over to him. “Dane. What the fuck, man?”
He spins round, and I see him mouth, “Fuck!”
As I reach him, I slow down. “What the fuck? Your sister’s missing, and you’re fucking out on a date? Are you shitting me right now?”
“Dice, I say this with the utmost respect; it’s fuck all to do with you.” He turns to walk away again, still holding the suit guy's hand.
“Dane, seriously.” I reach out and grab his shoulder. He spins and drops the suit guy's hand.
“What the fuck is wrong with you, Dice?” He pushes me a step back. “What the actual fuck are you trying to prove?” He gets in my face, and I can see pure hatred, and it breaks my heart.
“Dane?” I run my hand up his chest and settle over his heart. I can feel his heart pounding and his eyes dilate, and I breathe against him, taking half a step closer so my hand is wedged between us.
“Erm, I’m just gonna go…” I vaguely hear the suit guy say, but we can’t take our eyes off each other.
I slide my other hand up to his face, and his eyes close.
I make the most of the opportunity, and I gently kiss him, running my tongue against his lips. He opens up and lets me in as he pulls me to him. I slide my hand around his neck, fisting the back of his hair and holding him to me. The kiss isn’t frenzied; it’s slow, steady, almost loving. I breathe him in and cherish every second as our tongues caress across each other. I pull him closer, hold him tighter, and melt into him. I plough all my feelings, fears, and regrets into the kiss.
As I feel him start to pull away, I whisper, “Come home?” I pull him tighter. “Please come back to me, I can’t live without you.” He rests his head against mine.
“Dice,” he breathes out.
“Please, Dane?” I kiss him again, and he melts against me. This time, it starts to heat, and as it does, he pulls away, and I start to panic. He’s cutting me off, and I can’t let him walk away. In this moment, I have to do everything it takes to win him back, no matter the cost, “I’ll do whatever you want! Whatever you need, just please don’t leave me again.” I fist my hand in his shirt and my other in the back of his hair, and I pull him to me. Our mouths smash together, teeth clash, he bites down on my lip, and I groan into him. I feel him smile against my lips, and I smile back as we battle for emotional release. I pour everything into this moment, and it feels like he does too. When he pulls away again, I let him, panting for breath as our chests skim against each other with every passing breath.
He looks into my eyes, really looks, and I don’t know what he sees, but he cups my cheek. “Dice, I love you, I really do.” My eyes widen at that statement. Fuck… I love him, too. “But—”
“Don’t, please don’t.” I take a step back. I can feel my lip start to quiver and my eyes well. “Please? Dane?”
He pulls me in for a hug. “I’m sorry, Dice. I don’t know how to do this with you.”
“Just try, let’s just try, please, Dane. I will literally do anything, anything at all.”
“Please?” A stutter of breath rushes from me as I feel him slipping away.
“I’m sorry.” He turns to walk away. As he gets to the buildings I can't let him leave, so I do what I do best. I antagonise the situation. Dane likes rough. He likes an edge, so that’s what I give him. I slam my hands into his back, thrusting him forward.