Page 26 of Reaper's Revenge
I try to pull away as Dane grips me tighter, holding me to him. I look through the gap between our legs. I can see Steel resting on the doorframe with his arms crossed with what looks like anger etched across his face, but it’s hard to tell if he’s upside down or I am. I think the blood is rushing to my head as I feel Dane’s dick pulse harder inside me. Fuck is he getting off on Steel seeing us like this?
“Steel, as much as I would love to chat… I’m a little busy being balls deep in my boyfriend right now, so unless you wanna watch and offer words of encouragement, which, can I add, I’m totally down for or if you wanna join in, I’m down for that too.” I can hear the grin in his words, making me shudder, and he slaps my ass. “Wait,” he grumbles at me, but I’m mortified, hoping the ground will swallow me and hide me from embarrassment. But he just clenches my hips harder, holding me in place.
“As much as I appreciate the offer, I’m gonna have to decline, but by all means, carry on. It’s not like there’s anything more important going on right now.”
“Thanks, Brother! So is that a no to the joining in or a no to the watching?” Dane pokes.
“Fuck you.” Steel turns and walks away, leaving the door wide open.
“Fuck’s sake, let me get the door!”
“No fucking chance. I’m not pulling out till we’re done. Now, where the fuck were we?” He pulls back and slams into me, causing us both to shudder and groan.
“Fuck, you got so hard when he walked in. Does he turn you on more than me?” Whack. I get a crack across the ass cheek, and I yelp, “The fuck was that for?”
“You deserved it. Yes, he’s hot. Yes, he’s sexy.”
“But he’s not you. I just like to be watched.” He shrugs. “Now shut the fuck up while I rock my boyfriend’s world.” He pulls out and slams into me so hard I would have face-planted if his grip wasn’t so vice-like. And I can’t help but smile. Boyfriend. That’s twice he’s said it, and if it doesn’t make my toes curl like a schoolgirl with a crush.
He slams into me again, but this time, he keeps pushing, shoving me flat as he crashes onto my back. His frenzy steadies, and he grinds into me slower, groaning. He grabs the back of my hair and yanks my head back as he bites down on my shoulder, marking me like I did him.
“Fuck, I love being inside you. You make me so fucking hard all the time.”
I groan as he pulls back harder, and the bite against my scalp contradicts his slow, grinding thrusts.
He bites against my neck and grinds into me again. “Marry me?” he grumbles as he shudders with his thrusts.
“What?” Did I just hear that right? Fucking marry him? Nah, I must be dick drunk worse than I thought.
“You fucking heard me! Marry me. Fucking marry me and be mine forever, this life is too short. I want it to mean something, so marry me?”
He grinds again. “Dane,” I gasp out. “You fucking serious? Stop a minute.”
“Yeah, serious, and not sorry, not stopping. It feels too good, so if you’re not gonna say yes, just shut the fuck up.”
He bites down on my shoulder, and as he sucks it into his mouth and grinds against me, my body starts to shudder. Fuck how can he make me feel like this? So out of it totally, dick drunk, him drunk, the whole world seems fuzzy and floaty when he’s around, and I can’t think of a reason to say no, so as he next bottoms out, I groan out, “Yes.”
“Yeah, I’ll fucking marry you, dipshit. Now fuck me like you own me.”
He bites at my neck and laughs. “Be careful what you wish for, babe.” He pulls back and slams into me, ramping the pace back up as he tugs on my hair, and all I can do is groan into it. Fuck, I love this man.
Waking up in a sweaty, sticky mess with an ache all over, I smile and reach over to pull him to me, but the bed is empty. I startle and sit up; no, no, no. Don’t do this. Fuck. I grab my clothes and throw them on, running out into the living area to stop dead in my tracks as Steel has Dane around the throat against the door, snarling at him. I come to a halt. They both turn to glare at me, stepping away from each other.
“What the fuck’s going on?”
“Nothing, babe. I just came to make you breakfast.”
“Steel?” I glance between them both, and he shakes his head and storms into his room.
“Dane, what's going on?”
“He wants me to help find Ray.”
“Will you?”