Page 44 of Reaper's Revenge
“When we went to sort out the banking after the wedding with them, they started telling Demi and me everything, but it was all too much. The money, the organisations, the companies, the businesses, everything… so they said they would tell us later, then everything went to shit, and it never happened, but Scylla was one of the names they mentioned. It just didn't mean anything to me back then. This is all to do with them, but why? It all seems too personal. We were kidnapped, and the girls were sent those videos. That’s not business-related. Then locking me up and pitting me against Ray. It’s as if someone’s trying to break us up, like someone didn’t want us together, but then they’re going after The Armoury too, so they’ve clearly fucked someone over, and now they’re going back after them.” Steel shakes his head and scrubs his hand through his hair.
“So if Cade and Bernie are Scylla, that means Dane, Bran, and Ray must be too. And now you and Demi. Do you know how to access any of their companies or businesses? Can you get us behind the curtain?”
“Not that I know of. They've handed over our legit accounts, but everything else is still in trust.”
I tap a few more keys. “So we search tomorrow for any signs of where Roach had been visiting, and we go from there. Leave me with the Scylla thing and The Armoury, and I'll see what I can find out.”
“Wait, do you feel that?” Blade asks, stepping to the window and opening it. “Listen.”
“Fucking helicopters, multiple, what the fuck they doing here?” I storm out the door and head to the back of the clubhouse. As we stand on the field, our apartment door flies open.
Dane’s running this way, dressed in full tactical gear, gas masks gripped in his hand. As he runs past us, he shouts over, “I love you, the shit’s hit the fan. I'll be back when I can!”
“Dane, what the fucks happening?”
“Dante, he's trying to bring us down. He's hit one of our bases. Be careful and stay away from all this.”
He stops when he gets onto the field, and as the helicopter comes over, it tosses a ladder down, which he grabs onto. Before he's climbed more than a few rungs, they lift off and head north, Dane climbing as they fly.
“Fuck, if I wasn’t scared out of my mind right now, that would have been sexy as fucking hell!”
Steel slings his arm around me. “Don't worry, he can take care of himself. I’m starting to realise just how naive we've been when it comes to them and their capabilities. Come on, let's get some food and go to bed. We have a busy day tomorrow.”
I wake up and make Skye breakfast. As I take it into her, she tries to sit up too fast and grabs at her head. Placing the breakfast on the bedside table, I sit beside her.
“You need to slow down.” I rest my hand on our bump. She’s so big now. He could be here anytime. She’s due next month. With everything going on, she’s been more stressed than normal, and the whole Ray situation is really taking its toll. She’s struggling to come to terms with her loss. Well, actually, she’s not struggling, more refusing. She believes Ray’s still alive and wouldn't toss herself off a cliff “like a pussy,” Skye’s words, not mine. But I’m inclined to agree with her. The Ray we saw that night wasn't giving up. She’s up to something, and whatever it is, it's gonna get messy, and she wants us as far away from it as possible, so we're ignoring the fact that we don’t think she’s dead and just going along with the general consensus that she topped herself.
I rub at her tummy for her as the heat from my hands settles Tray and soothes her too. “You gonna be okay while I'm gone, love? I can get Demi or Beauty to come and sit with you if you don’t wanna be alone?”
“I'll be fine. Just be careful, okay?”
She lets out a shaky breath as she tries to sit up. “Just really uncomfortable.” She tries to stretch her back out but sighs. “I'm fine, honestly. I’ll call if I need anything, promise.”
“I love ya both.”
She smiles at me, and I pull the covers back and start to slide in. “What are you doing? I thought you had to go?”
“I do, but then you smiled at me like that, and I think I need to show you how much I love you before I leave.”
“Ah, you do, do you?”
“Uh-huh, and I think it may make you more comfortable.”
“Really?” She cocks a brow at me, and I grin at her.
I slide my hand under her stomach and into her sleep shorts, and she whimpers as my finger slides across her clit and into her soaking pussy.
Groaning, she tightens around my finger. I start to pump it gently, and she whimpers again. “You want me to stop, love?”
“Fuck no. I need you inside me now. Tank, please,” she rasps.
I gently roll her onto her side and slide her shorts down while she removes her vest top. Her tits are full, her nipples hard, and I remove my clothes and slide in behind her. Her stomach’s too big to go any other way now. Fuck, fuck… I just love the feel of her body against mine, no matter how I can get it. I slide one arm under her neck and wrap it around her to tease her nipples, and she gasps.
“Too much?”
“Yeah!” she gasps. “Don’t stop!” I chuckle as my other hand roams over her stomach, caressing every inch. I never understood when I heard men say they loved their woman barefoot and pregnant till recently, and fuck, I’ve got to say, she’s glorious. As I slide my hand down between her legs, I gently guide myself to her. “Tank, fuck, just hurry up.”