Page 56 of Reaper's Revenge
“It's too heavily guarded. We need to start with the smaller ones, draw their defences out, then hit the big one while they’re second-guessing which small base we’ll hit next.” I spit out before I get another backhander. Bas was always quick to think with his hands. It's a shame he didn't get to see me grow into the person I am now, but I will let him think it will get him his way for now.
“Hmm, interesting. But if I wanted your opinion, I would fucking give it to you!”
I nod and look down. He likes to rule with an iron fist, but he also likes to win, and I know I've planted a seed of doubt, so now, I wait.
“Be at the club tomorrow night at 10 p.m.” He turns and walks away, shouting over his shoulder, “Don’t be fucking late!”
Fuck, his dickishness hasn’t even mellowed. The guy is still a total fucking douchecanoe. As I walk to the freezer and grab a bag of peas, resting them against my face, I turn the TV on and slump on the sofa. This is gonna be harder than I thought!
Pulling up outside the club, I’m early, not because he told me to be, just because I find it a real chore to not be on time. Dad always said if you're on time, you're already late. I guess somethings stick, although I suppose it's Pa, not Dad.
As I get to the door, the two security guards scowl at me as they step aside. As I stride to walk through them, one of them grabs my arm and yanks me towards him. “Watch your back. That stunt you pulled yesterday got our friends a bullet between the eyes.”
Looking down at the hand that grips my wrist and then back to his face, I whisper, “Then you might wanna remove that before you share the same fucking fate!”
He steps back like he's been shot, and I carry on walking without looking back. Clearly not making any allies here. As I reach Bas, he nods to the stairs, and I follow him up to the same room as before.
“Little sister, sit!”
I flop into the chair and throw my leg over the side.
“I see your upbringing didn’t improve after I left.”
“Yeah, my attitude didn't either. Why am I here?”
“You’re here because I fucking told you to be, you’re here because, like you always do without supervision, you create one epic shitshow after shitfight, and you’re here because you burnt all your bridges, so you’ve got nowhere fucking else to go.”
“Ah, that.” I chuckle.
He flies up from his chair, smashing his fist into the desk. “You think this is funny? You’re only still fucking alive as I need something from you. When you surpass your usefulness, then I will fucking end you myself. Do I make myself fucking clear?”
“Fuck’s sake, Bas, chill.”
“Call me that fucking name again!” He slides his gun out of his jeans and leans over the desk, pushing it between my eyes. “I will fucking end you right here.”
I slide my arms out to the side, push up and forward into the gun, and stand in front of him, arms spread wide, and I smile. “Do it! Like I give a fucking shit, you need me more than I need you right now, so have at it!”
He relaxes the gun back before slamming it into my forehead. I feel the trickle of blood, and I drop back onto the chair. I don’t wince, and I don’t make a sound. I just flop back down and throw my leg back over the chair again.
“So, where are we hitting first? What's your plan?” I ask as I look down and pick at my nails.
“What's their weakest base?”
“Erm… King.”
“King? Where the fuck’s that?”
“Then where?”
“Then Pawn, Ridgeway Heights.”
“They're across the country from each other.”
“So we hit King first.” He stands and starts pacing. “How many men do we need?”