Page 58 of Reaper's Revenge
“Motherfucker,” I grunt as I try to stand, pushing a body off me. “Well, there goes our element of surprise. Fucking with me, now!”
I push to my feet and start running. Three bodies rush from behind the buildings, and I double tap each to the chest, and they drop as instructed. Running past them, I push into a hangar and wait for the remaining men to join me. Some of them shake their heads. Their ears must be ringing if they were close enough to the explosion, but the remainder of us are bruised, nothing more. The mines weren’t massive, but enough to kill the person standing on them and damage those a few feet away.
Doing a headcount, there are seven of us. “Fuck.” I spit. “We need to be more careful, I said to stay behind me. Why the fuck were they so far away?”
“This best not be a set up. little sister!”
“Dante, I told them to stay with me and to stay close. Those fuckers were over twenty feet away. The rest of you listen and listen fucking good. They know we’re here now, so do as you’re fucking told! With me, now, stay fucking close!”
Pushing back through the other side of the hangar, we can hear shouting and gunshots coming from outside. The Tower guards will pick off the guys outside the perimeter and hopefully thin the numbers. As we reach the middle of the base, “Now spread out, clear the base. You have zip ties. If you can take them alive, do so. If not, bullet to the largest mass. That way, you dumb fucks shouldn’t miss. No heroes, okay? We all want to go home.”
We split into groups, and I scream, “Stay in the area around the buildings. Don’t deviate from that. There must be other mines, now fucking go, go, go!” I rush out from behind the truck and toss a grenade onto it, creating as much carnage to replaceable objects as possible. Dante is right on my arse, and I’m fully aware that he's behind me with a gun and can clearly just end me right here. We happen upon two more men from the base, and I shoot them both, taking them down, turning and grinning at Dante. “It's like old times, big brother.”
“Don’t get too excited, little sister. I still don’t fucking trust you!”
Grinning at him, I pull out another grenade and toss it toward a building. Again, causing maximum chaos but minimal actual damage to anything important. Dante's eyes light up, and I let out a maniacal laugh as I jog through the base. When the gunfire steadies, I shoot up at the towers, clearly not gonna hit anyone, but making it look like I could, and the shots cease. There are a few more shouts and shots, but the chaos is dying down, and we gather again near the centre. We have five prisoners, and the men say everyone else is dead. We secure the prisoners in one of the outer small buildings and leave them. Dante radios to the men to come through the front gate with the four trucks so we can start loading shit up. I head to the office blocks.
“Where the fuck you going?” Dante spits at me.
“You want the equipment. I want the intel.”
As I stride towards the office block, Dante slides up beside me. Of course he fucking does. “You've done good. But I’m still watching you.”
“Shock, gasp, fucking horror. Was that an actual compliment? Well, fuck me!” I laugh as he scowls at me. “Come on, we need to be over here.” Dante starts pushing into the rooms. “Don't worry about them. There's nothing in there. We need the pas’ office, top floor, last room.” I take off up the stairs, and he's following me. I could just turn, kick him down the stairs and put a bullet between his eyes, but that won't help me. So I bite my lip and mentally berate myself for the thoughts of the bloody murder I will bring to my brother.
“Grab what you can carry,” I say as I push through the door. “Do you have a tech guy?”
He nods, so I swipe the laptop off the desk. It's actually a dud, and Dane has put a lot of time and effort over the last month creating false information across all our platforms. Dante is rifling through the filing cabinets and pulls out a file. “What's this?” I turn, and he has a file with his name on it. Well, Dante Crane’s name. It's a file Dane’s put together to antagonise him.
I snatch it off him, “It's a file on you dipshit!” I shake my head at him, and he snatches it back.
“What the fuck?” He flicks through the pages. There aren’t many. And most of it is derogatory, to say the least. He starts to pace as he reads, and I can’t help but have to fight the smug grin that wants to spread across my face. “Fucking bastards, they’ll fucking regret the day they swiped me aside as an inconvenience rather than a formidable opponent. I’m gonna fucking destroy them.”
“Come on, let's get out of here before they send reinforcements.” I turn and leave as he kicks over the desk before following me. As we reach the trucks, we load up and head back to the club. It seems dodgy to me that everything seems to be happening at the club, and I wonder if he really has the backing and standing he's crowing about or if it's all bravado and fake it till you make it. Unfortunately, only time will tell.
“Reaper!” he screeches out across the room and nods towards the stairs, and like the good little sister that I am, I smile and internally roll my fucking eyes and follow like the good little lapdog he thinks he’s getting.
I grimace as I push through the door and take what's become my usual seat. “How many did we lose?”
“What?” His eyes reach mine from the document he's reading.
“How many men did we lose?”
“Sixteen, maybe eighteen?”
“What we don’t know?”
He shrugs. “Not important, there's more where they came from.”
“What now?”
“How long before you can put together a plan to hit Pawn?”
“Pawn’s gonna be harder. We will need more men.”
“Like I said, it's not a problem.” He gazes back down and continues to read. He’s frowning, and his jaw ticks as he reads. “You can read, can't you, big brother? You act like you're trying to figure out the secrets of the universe while playing Twister.”
He screws the paper up, throwing it across the room. “Those fuckers have written me off. They’ve known for years it’s me, and none of them reached out; not one of them looked for me. Fucking bastards never gave a fucking shit. They’re gonna rue the fucking day they helped murder me, Cade’s gonna pay last, I swear to Hades himself, I’m gonna destroy every last one of them. They're all gonna be fucking sorry. I’m gonna rip the adventure centre apart. I’m gonna destroy Daniel and Steven, and then fucking JJ, then I’m gonna destroy everything Bernie has here, and finally, I’m gonna rip Cade’s heart out and stomp on it!”